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Harper opened the door, ready to leave. She stopped to look at Angelina and smirked. "But it doesn't mean that I'll be letting Evelina off."


And just like that she left.

Shortly after, Angelina met up with Marie in her room. Angelina took one last look of the room she has resided in ever since her second life and felt... happy. She thought she would feel sad. But she didn't. Though she has formed a sort of attachment to this room, she's happy to never step in it again.

"Miss! Is it true? Is it really true? Your... You're being adopted by the royal family?" Marie was so excited, her smile was about to stretch out of her face.

"Of course, it's true. And you and Serina are coming with me." Angelina flipped her hair back and an arrogant grin spread across her angelic face. It's about time she finally leaves this torturous family.

"What? Really? But... Is that really allowed, miss? We're still servants of the Skyler family after all... The duke wouldn't possibly approve."

"Of course it's allowed! What can he do? He didn't approve of me leaving for the royal family and I still managed to do so. Come, help me pack, Marie. Don't forget to pack up your belongings as well." Angelina laughed.

"Yay! I'm so excited!" Marie jumped with joy. Never in her wildest dreams has she ever dared to think about moving into the palace. But now she can!

The two spent a few hours packing and taking anything valuable that belonged to them. Gowns, jewelries, hidden money, the paintings Angelina had finished to this day, and many more. Just as Angelina thought she had taken everything, she remembered something else.

She went over to her bedside table and pulled out a sacred-looking book with a white gem on the cover. Once Angelina touched the gem, it turned red in an instant and as if something had been unlocked, it opened itself for her.

During the early days of her second life, Angelina had used this book to write down the events that will happen in the future. But it didn't take long for her to realize that nothing would go as she remembered it. Because of her reincarnation, everything had changed. Thus she used this book as more of a secret notebook to plan out schema and tricks she'd like to test out on Evelina.

Angelina flipped through the pages and as expected, a previously blank page had changed. On the corner right of the page was ... a smiley face.

' It turns out even an immortal being has a sense of humor...'

After seconds of staring at the provoking and funny smiley face, Angelina closed the book and packed it in with the others.

"Let's go, miss! An Imperial carriage has already arrived outside!" Marie returned to Angelina's room and urged. Unlike most days, she wasn't wearing her maid uniform. Wearing a simple but flattering dress and a cute matching hat, her sweet smile perfected the look. Seeing her like this, the uneasiness in Angelina's heart disappeared. She had already changed before and only needed to walk out with Marie by her side as the other servants brought out their luggages for them.

They arrived in the lobby and immediately caught the sight of the four figures standing by the side. The duke, the duchess, Alex, and Evelina with Lia close behind her.

Angelina stood before them and looked right at the ashen faced duke with a sly grin on her face. She played with her silver locks before saying, "It's been fun, truly a joy. I'll miss you all so much! Well...not really."

"You brat!" The duke scolded with veins popping out of his forehead. But Angelina paid him no attention and turned to Evelina, who was staring at her with a pale face, eyes shaking and legs trembling. She looked completely haggard, as if the once bright and charming lady Evelina had disappeared forever.

The Villainess's Great RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now