ハンター試験パート十四 | The Hunter Exam Part 14

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One by one, each of the 25 remaining applicants exit trick tower.

"Congratulations on escaping trick tower everyone. All that remain now are the fourth phase and the final phase," says Lippo.

"Only two more!" Hanzo repeats.

Lippo points to a small island not too far away.

"The fourth phase will take place right over there on Zevil island. Now, let's proceed." Lippo snaps, causing a man to walk over with a small cart with a box on top of it. "To begin with, I will need each of you to draw lots now."

"Draw lots for what? What'll that decide?" Wonders Pokkle.

Lippo smirks. "Who you hunt, and who hunts you. In this box are exactly 25 numbered cards. Which means that one of the numbered cards will correspond with your badge. Now, each of you will draw a card in the order you exited the tower. Alright, which of you was first?"

Hisoka steps up, drawing his card. As people grab their cards, Gon speaks to (Y/N) and Killua.

"Oh, hey guys? He mentioned hunting and us being hunted. Do you think that means we're gonna be fighting each other?"

"Yeah, probably does," Killua responds, whistling as he goes up to grab his lot. After Gon gets his, it's (Y/N)'s turn. She picks a lot, turning the small card around to reveal a sticker covering the number.

"Has everyone drawn? Now if you would, please go ahead and remove the sticker," Lippo instructs. (Y/N) removes her sticker, her face remaining neutral as she reads the number. "The number you see is your target," Lippo reveals, leading some people to gasp. Most people's hands instinctively go to their badges, covering up their numbers in order to try and remain safe. "This box has recorded the number that each of you drew. Each card was tallied and then stored in memory, so if you'd like, you're free to dispose of the cards. It makes no difference at this point. The objective is to steal your target's id badge."

"Oh good, so we don't have to kill each other then," one of the brothers says.

"The method is up to you. Procure the badge however you see fit. But if you kill your target, you can take their badge easily," Lippo clarifies.

"Yeah that sure sounds like the fastest way to me!" Another one of the brothers exclaims.

"Listen carefully! Collecting the id badge of your specified target will earn you three points, understand? Your own badge is also worth three points. And all the other badges are worth one point. In order to move on to the final phase, you will have to collect six points. So during your time there on Zevil island, gather enough badges to collect six points or fail the exam. Only those who do will clear the fourth phase of the hunter exam."

Everyone then got on a boat to the island.

"I'd like to comment all of you on your work in the exam's third phase. I'll be your guide, it's nice to meet you! You can call me Khara! It will take two hours for this boat to reach its destination, Zevil island. All 25 applicants who've made it this far are granted an open invitation to participate in next years exam no matter what!" Khara winks. "So even if you don't pass this time, we really hope you'll try again. Never say die, right? Everybody..." Khara trailed off as no one even spared her a look.

"It appears the battle has already begun," Kurapika states.

"You're right, everyone's already taken off their badges and tucked them away so they won't get stolen yet," Leorio agrees.

"Alright everyone! For the next two hours you're all free to do whatever you like! Thank you and I hope you all enjoy the rest of the voyage!" Khara walks away after that.

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