ハンター試験パート四 | The Hunter Exam Part 4

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With the help of the kiriko navigators, the group of four finally make it to Zaban city.

"A navigator's main job is to identify worthy applicants for the hunter exam. We're also responsible for guiding them to the exam site. You see, that's because it's almost impossible to find the location without a navigator."

Gon was quickly distracted by all of the stalls in the city, straying from the group slightly.

"You know, Zaban city is one shady place," says Leorio.

"A city that's as prosperous as this one is bound to attract its share of unsavory characters," Kurapika responds.

"What do you think you're doing Gon?? Let's go!"


Finally the navigator stops in front of a few buildings. One tall and modern, and the other small and shabby looking.

"I'm pretty sure that's the building," the navigator points to the shabby building, but Gon, Kurapika, and Leorio mistake it for the taller one.

"It's so tall! Wow, what a nice place!" Gon gushes.

"So that's the exam site, huh? And this is the crowd that it draws."

"Hunter applicants from all across the world congregate here..."

"My first shot at the hunter exam! I wonder if this is how dad felt!"

"Hey guys, over here!" Calls the navigator. The three turn to see him and a confused looking (Y/N). She thought they had seen the same building she saw - the shabby one, that is.

"This is it," he points to the building.

"Come on, you're messing with us right? It just looks like a regular restaurant! You're telling me that hunter applicants from all over the globe come to this old place to take the exam??" Asks Leorio.

"That's exactly right. The hunter exam attracts millions of applicants every year, and no one would expect the exam to be held here, right?"

"Good point..."

The five enter the building.

"Welcome, take a seat," greets the man at the counter.

"Is the back room available?"

"What are you having?"

"The steak combo please. The one that'll make us see the light. Make it four."

"Combo for four, eh? How do you want 'em cooked?"

"Grilled slowly over a low flame till done please."

"Got it, see yourselves to the back room."

The navigator leads them to the back room, speaking, "Okay, wait here."

"For what? Where are all the other applicants?" Leorio wonders.

"I can't wait for that steak combo!" Shouts Gon.

"Gon, that was just the password to get us inside. There's no steak combo," Kurapika says.

"Okay, so, we don't get to eat?"

"Only 1 in 10,000," starts the group's navigator.

"You're very lucky. That's how many ever make it this far. Nice job, you did great for first timers! Well, good luck to you."

Gon holds out his hand to the navigator.

"Thanks for your help!"

"I hope that next year I can help you again," he replies, shaking Gon's hand.

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