ハンター試験パート一 | The Hunter Exam Part 1

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A young girl sits in the boat as it makes its final stop. Whale Island. She sits on the ledge, dangling her legs inside the boat, looking around idly. A few people get on the boat, among them a boy who looks to be around her age with gravity defying dark green hair. Other than him, she's noticed two other interesting looking people. A blonde boy with piercing grey eyes and an older looking man with spectacles.

'They're interesting,' she thinks, wanting to approach them.

"Thanks everybody!! I'm gonna be the best hunter in the world! And as soon as I make that happen, I'll be back! I'll see you all again!!!" The green haired boy declares, screaming out to the people on the island as he waves energetically.

(Y/N) smiles softly from behind her muzzle. He's definitely younger than her, but he already has a solid dream. She can sense the potential radiating out of him, further piquing her interest regarding the boy.

"Hohohoho, the best hunter in the world, huh? Kid thinks this will be easy," an old man, skin laden with scars from years of experience, scoffs. Perhaps seeing kids so young wanting to participate in the Hunter Exam threatened his ego and made him salty.

"Every single year, millions of the world's most skilled applicants apply for the Hunter Exam, but only a handful make the cut. Be careful about saying stuff you can't back up, kid," another man adds before the two laugh together. Another one with a bruised ego, it seemed.

The boy ignores them, walking past the group of burly men who sit with their weapons. He looks around before finally spotting (Y/N). His eyes sparkle with curiosity as he looks at the girl seemingly around his age. At least he wasn't the only one. 'I wonder why she wears that muzzle. Is she mute or something? Maybe she has an overbite or something!' He thinks to himself, making a mental note to befriend the girl later.

"Whatcha doing, Katzo?!" Comes a taunting voice. The boy, as well as (Y/N), run to check out the situation. One of the crewmen had fallen over, dropping a crate of apples in the process.

"With the way things are going for you, you're never gonna make it as a sailor!" Another crewman laughs, kicking Katzo over as he attempts to stand back up.

"What's wrong, why ya bent over like that??"

(Y/N) jumps down over the rail, offering a hand to the fallen Katzo. He gratefully takes it, standing up just as the captain walks out. "Hey, slackers!! Get back to work!!" He orders.

"Aye aye, sir!"

Katzo scrambles to grab the fallen apples and puts them back in the crate hurriedly. "You," the captain starts, approaching Katzo. "Got wax in your ears? Get moving!!"

"Aye aye sir, right away!"

"Wait!" The green haired boy calls, tossing one last apple into the crate.

"Thanks a lot!" Katzo smiles, continuing with his work.

(Y/N) stops, noticing the seagulls becoming somewhat agitated. She sniffs the air, closing her eyes and feeling the breeze. The captain eyes her warily, his gaze shifting to the young boy next to her as he speaks up.

"There's a storm coming," he states.

"Mm," (Y/N) hums in agreement, nodding.

"And how exactly do you know that?" Asks the captain with a raised brow. He was slightly skeptical of the two's ability to foresee the weather from a simple action.

"Sea cranes, that's what all of them are saying," answers the boy, pointing at the seagulls. (Y/N) nods in agreement, pointing to her nose as if to say "I can smell it."

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