ハンター試験パート十五 | The Hunter Exam Part 15

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(Y/N) continues on her journey around the island, stopping once she senses a familiar presence. It was Killua. Excitedly, she runs up behind the boy, tackling him in a hug. "(Y/N)!" Killua shouts, trying to balance her weight. "Are you scouting the island too?"

(Y/N) nods her head. 

"Great, we can go together if you want?" Killua offers, a small blush dusting his cheeks. (Y/N) nods, giving a closed eyed smile. The two continue, walking hand in hand. They walk for a good hour before Killua stops, sighing. 

"You've been following us since we started. It's pretty damn obvious. You wanna play? Come on out," Killua says. (Y/N) also knew that someone was following them. Well, more specifically, her target, but she decided not to do anything. 

Killua shrugs, continuing to walk with (Y/N). They walk until morning, when Killua turns back around. "You're wasting your time. Follow us all you want, but we'll never give you a chance to attack." Killua sighs upon getting no response. "Come out or I'll come to you." The two walk over to where the brother is hiding. "This really is a pain you know. Chances are you're only worth one lousy point. That is, unless you're (Y/N)'s target," Killua says nonchalantly.

"Big brother!" The two hear, seeing two figures approaching. 

"We ran into a little trouble," the lanky one admits.

"You must be done, right?" Asks the bigger one. They then notice (Y/N) and Killua. The two brothers stomp over to their other brother, kicking him around.

"What are you, an idiot?!"

"You can't even beat some little kids?! Gimme a break!"

"Hold on, you got it all wrong big brother!" (Y/N)'s target pleads.

"And what part do I have wrong?!"

"I...I didn't want to hurt little kids, that's all. I thought I'd just hold of and take them while they slept."

"You're so full of it!"

"F-f-fine, you got me! And you're right, I guess I should wrap this up. Time for a beat down," speaks (Y/N)'s target as he turns around to face the two. "Alright kids, how about you hand them over," he smirks, standing over the two. "Do as I say and you won't get hurt."

Killua lets go of (Y/N)'s hand, talking back. "Idiot." The brother kicks Killua back, causing (Y/N) to growl.

"Don't go saying I didn't warn ya! Haha! Bam! Right in the gut!" He laughs.

"Must hurt like hell," the bigger brother comments. Killua jumps back up easily, surprising (Y/N)'s target.

"What the hell bro? You go easy on the squirt?" Asks the lanky brother.

"Yeah, you're way too nice, Imori."

"Oh, uh, right."

Killua reaches into his pocket, taking out Imori's badge. "You're number 198 huh?" Killua tosses the badge to (Y/N), who has stopped growling. She catches it, putting it in her haori. "Since it's only one number off from the one I'm looking for, I'm betting that 199 must be one of you two, am I right?"

"Hey, Umori," says the lanky brother.

"Yeah," Umori responds.

"Get into formation, let's do this. I'm pretty sure they aren't ordinary kids."

The three then form a triangle around the two, trapping them. Killua smirks, tapping (Y/N)'s hand. "Just leave this to me," he whispers before disappearing. Killua reappears behind the lanky brother, kicking him behind the knee and holding his now sharp nails up against his neck. "Don't move, Okay? My fingers here cut a lot better than any knife." He then takes his badge, groaning. "Aw man, you're number 197. Damn, I really am bad at guessing these things. Hey," he turns to Umori. "Are you 199?"

Longing Through The Silence [Hunter x Hunter x KNY! Reader]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin