ゾルディック家 パート三 | Zoldyck Family Part 3

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After a long walk, the group finally makes it to the butler's quarters. They are greeted by the sight of all the butlers, who bow.

"Welcome." Says the middle one. "We apologize for our previous discourtesy. We have been informed by the lady of the house that from now on you are to be treated as official guests," he explains as another butler patches Gon's face up.

"Then this isn't the main residence?" Asks Kurapika.

"No, this is the butler's quarters," Canary answers.

"Now, please make yourselves comfortable," says the main butler.

"Look, thanks for the hospitality, but we only came here to see Killua. So, can you take us to him? Like, now?" Leorio questions.

"That won't be necessary sir. Master Killua is on his way this very moment."

"Wait, really?!" Gon shouts, standing up.

"That's right, so please be patient."

"Great news, huh Gon?" Leorio speaks.


"Now then...it would be so tedious to just sit and wait." The butler smirks. "I propose we pass the time with a game."

"Game you say?" Kurapika repeats.

The butler pulls out a coin, tossing it up in the air before catching it really fast in one of his hands.

"Which hand holds the coin?"

"The left hand!" Everyone says, minus (Y/N), who just points.

"That is correct. Now, I'll move more quickly this time." He tosses the coin once more, catching it. "Now, which hand?"

Gon smiles while (Y/N) points to the left. "It's the left again!"

"How marvelous," the butler congratulates, another butler clapping. "Well, I shall have to try harder this time." He tosses the coin in the air, moving his hands around at an alarming speed. "So, which hand?"

Leorio thinks for a moment. "I'm not sure, but...I'd say, right?"

"You see...I've known master Killua his entire life, and I care for him as I would my own son. In all honesty, I despise you for attempting to take him away. Well, which hand? Answer."

"The left hand," says Kurapika. (Y/N) also points to the left. The butler opens his hand, revealing a bent coin.

"The lady's voice was a bare whisper. Her son is leaving and it's breaking her heart. I can't forgive you. Before master Killua arrives, I shall test each of you by my own methods. You have no choice." The butlers all pull out weapons, one of them holding a sword up to Canary's neck.

"Canary!" Gon calls.

"This is her punishment for defying orders and bringing you here. Allow me to explain the rules. If you answer incorrectly you are out. Should you all be disqualified, which is quite possible, then I shall tell master Killua that you left. And that he will never see any of you again."

"Killua is--!"

"Silence," he cuts Gon off. "Your very lives hang by a most delicate thread. Answer my question. I will not ask again." He tosses the coin in the air, his hands moving rapidly before he catches it, his hands emitting steam from his speed. (Y/N)'s eyes narrow at the man. "Now which hand? And time is of the essence. You only have three seconds. You, once three seconds have passed, slit her throat," he orders the butler who holds Canary.

"Hold on, I pick the left hand!" Leorio shouts.

"I pick the right," says Gon.

"Yes, me too."

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