ゾルディック家 パート一 | Zoldyck Family Part 1

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Gon stares out the window of the airship with a longing expression, (Y/N) sleeping soundly next to him. "Killua..." he trails off.

Suddenly, a fry is stuffed into his mouth, causing Gon to look up to see his two friends holding food and drinks.

"So what's the deal with the long face Gon?" Leorio asks.

"By tomorrow we'll be in Padokea. You'll see Killua soon," Kurapika reassures.

"Yup!" Gon exclaims, chomping down on the fry.

Kurapika glances down at (Y/N) worriedly. "Gon, has she been asleep since the end of the exam?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah! I think the whole thing tired her out, so she's sleeping to regain energy!" Gon replies.

"I see."


The four friends all sit on a train to Kukuroo Mountain, (Y/N) sleeping peacefully beside Kurapika.

"I can almost see it. So that's where the assassins base is? Looks kinda creepy doesn't it?" Leorio speaks.

"It does," Kurapika answers. "Once we arrive, we should gather information."


They arrive in the city, Kurapika holding a sleepy (Y/N)'s hand as a local points them to a tour bus. They get on the bus, a tour guide greeting them.

"I'd like to thank all of you for choosing lamentation tours. It's an honor to have you here," she bows. "Now, get ready because we'll be making our way all the way up to Kukuroo mountain, home to the Zoldyck family of assassins."

"Check it out," Leorio whispers to Kurapika, who hums in confusion, turning to where Leorio faces. In the back sits two suspicious looking men. "No way those guys are tourists."

"True," Kurapika agrees.

"Okay everyone, if you'll all look out the window to your right you'll see Kukuroo Mountain where the Zoldyck family lives. It's 3,722 meters high and it's surrounded by forest. The Zoldyck estate is rumored to be somewhere on the mountain, although no one's actually seen it. The Zoldyck family consists of ten members. Mother and father and five siblings, grandparents and great grandfather, all of whom are assassins. Alright, now hold on while we get a little closer to the mountain," the tour guide says.

Everyone is in awe of the front gate as they arrive.

"This is the front gate of the Zoldyck estate. No one who's entered has ever returned alive, which has earned this gate the nickname the door to Hades. To enter you have to go through the door by the security checkpoint, but beyond that is private property so, this is as far as we can go!"

"Hold on, this is the front gate?! But the mountain is all the way over there!!" Leorio shouts.

"That's right. The Zoldyck family own Kukuroo Mountain. Every inch of it, not to mention all of the surrounding land," answers the guide.

"So what you're telling me is this is their front yard...?" Leorio sighs out.

"Miss tour guide?" Gon asks.


"What are we gonna have to do to get inside?"

The tour guide gives a forced smile. "Oh dear, you were paying attention right?"

"Yeah, but you didn't say-"

"If you go inside you'll never come out again! It's an assassins hideout."

Longing Through The Silence [Hunter x Hunter x KNY! Reader]Where stories live. Discover now