天空闘技場パート四 | Heavens Arena Part 4

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Gido cackles as Gon jumps back, trying his best to evade the spinning tops. The tops come zooming toward him, one of them hitting him in the back once more.

"And another top hits him from behind! It looks like he's in big trouble now because he's just been surrounded by the dancing tops!"

Gon grunts as he turns around, this time a top hitting him in the cheek. He falls back, the referee calling a clean hit and a knockdown.

"Gido's up to an early four point lead!"

"Can you fight?" Asks the referee. 

"You bet!" Gon answers. He continues to dodge, running around the ring. Suddenly, he stops, closing his eyes. He opens them, gasping slightly as he realizes his ten is fading. (Y/N) stands up, her eyes widening as Gon gets hit with a top in the stomach.

"Another direct hit! Gon is completely helpless! He's been knocked clear out of the ring! The score is now six-zero! He's dug himself quite a hole!"

Gon stands up, now far away from the ring, having been knocked out by Gido's tops. The referee runs up to Gon, asking if he can continue fighting.

"Be quiet, okay?!" Gon shouts, having noticed a spinning top outside the ring. "I'm trying to think here!"

"If you're not back in the ring by the count of ten you lose! One!" He continues to count.

"How come you're standing outside of the ring?" Gon asks out of the blue.

"Because if I stayed up there in the ring I'd probably end up getting hurt too! And five!"

"That's it!" Gon exclaims, coming to a realization. He jumps back into the ring, attempting to kick Gido.

"Ha! You may have figured out my tops but you still can't land an attack on me!" Gido says as he begins spinning like one of his tops.

"There it is! Gido's special technique combining offense and defense! Tornado top!"

Gon screams, getting hit in the chest with another top.

"Woah! Gon gets hit with a vicious counter!" He slides out of the ring, hitting the wall. "Three points! The judge has awarded a critical hit and knockdown! Gido has nine points! Gon is on the brink of defeat!"

Gon strains to stand up while Gido cackles. "I turn into a top to protect myself and let my dancing tops handle the offense! It's a conservative strategy, but it's effective for racking up the points!"

Gon gets back up into the ring, thinking. Suddenly, an idea comes to mind, Gon deactivating his ten and activating zetsu.

"Gon!" Killua calls, (Y/N) looking down worriedly. "You idiot! What if you get hit by another nen attack?! Without protection that'd totally mess you up!"

Gon only closes his eyes.

"Ha! Do you have a death wish kid? Then here, let me give you what you want!!" Gido shouts, sending more tops towards Gon. He keeps his eyes closed, moving slightly to the right and evading two tops, which then crash into each other.

"Amazing! That's the first time Gon has managed to evade an attack!"

Gon continues to dodge the spinning tops, prolonging the match.


"Your right radius and your ulna were both broken. A fractured humerus. Three broken ribs. Not to mention twelve other minor fractures. It'll take four months to heal," Killua speaks as he and (Y/N) sit on Gon's bed. "You moron!"

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