Who is Malfoy?

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"you'll see..." harry told me and looked outside of the window.

" Malfoy.... Mal-foy.. What a weird but at the same time pretty name..." I said out loud while i was looking at the door.

"yah! Not as pretty as his personality.." Hermione said with an ironic tone on her voice.

"what do you mean?" i asked her and crossed my hands

"he is an ass..We don't like him." Ron replied and raised his eyebrows

"oh, I get it." I nodded.

"look! We are finally here." Hermione shouted and point with her finger outside of the window.

We got outside.
everything is great! I can literally smell the magic! I don't even know how is that possible...

Two redheads came to us.

"oh look at those two girls all excited about their 6th year in Hogwarts. " Ron said with a smirk

after that mocking I realized that the twins and Ron were related

"shut up Ron... Hey Hermione! I think you got shorter! " the one of them said and We all laughed at the same time

"who's that girl? " he asked and his eyes met mine.

oh my god he is looking at me isn't he?

"hi I'm Fred and this is George." He said and gave me his hand.

"I'm Y/N, pleasure to meet you!" I replied and we shook our hands. 

" the pleasure is ours..." George said and winked at me.

"I must say that I love boys with long hair!" I said with a smile.

"then I'm your man!" Fred said and  softly touched me on the shoulder.

well I must say that I got chills... 

"We are literally the same ! Why are you gotta be her man and not me? " george asked fred and wrinkled his eyebrows. 

"cause i'm better than you!" Fred replied and laughed

oh my god I'm blushing and I think they've noticed 

" don't worry we are just teasing you.."Fred said and put his hand on my shoulder.

"or not..." George replied with a smirk.

" Pottah! This year is gonna be fun." A guy told to Harry.

He seems kinda ironic to me though

"shut up Malfoy!" Harry said and then i remembered.

Malfoy? Is he the Malfoy they were telling me about? Probably yes...but I'm afraid to ask cause I'm blushing again...man...he's hot!

"hey Y/N!  Who is in your thoughts? The twins or Malfoy?" Hermione asked and crossed her hands.

"what?" I said while i was blushing even more.

" look, I know that Malfoy is handsome but it is just the outside...trust me..." she said to me in a serious look.

"I do-" i said and someone stand next to me

"hey mudblood... I see you brought a friend with you..." Malfoy said with a smirk and looked at me

I'm so confused, I don't know what to say. what does that mean? Am I supposed to react bad?

"Are you a mudblood too? Cause-" he didn't finish his sentence.
 Fred and George made a step forward to defend us

" hey dickhead ! stop acting like that all the time. You being annoying. Now leave..." George said and raised his eyebrows to him.

Malfoy rolled his tongue in his mouth while he was looking at me. i was staring at him all confused. he looked at the twins and left.

"jerk." Fred scoffed.

"wait, what does mudblood means?" i asked and shook my head.

"it's an insult, it means that you have dirty blood. that you are muggleborn, i am a muggleborn, that's why he always calls me mudblood..." Hermione said all upset.
"screw Malfoy, let's go inside." Ron said.

As we were walking I felt a cold hand grabbing me by my shoulder and turning me around...

That's the second part I hope you like it 
Who do you think grabs Y/N's hand?
Tell me in the comments 

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