What i've done to you...

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I woke up on my bed. Hermione was there.

"Finally you woke up! I was so worried..." she said and gave me a hug

"Why what happened?" I asked with a sleepy voice.

-wait.. you don't remember?

-remember what?

-you really don't remember?

-my neck hurts...

- because Malfoy choked you!

-he did what??

I jumped off my bed and headed to the bathroom. I stood still and looked myself in the mirror. I turned my head on the left and I saw two purple bruises.

Fade memories started to come up in my head

"Did something happened between Fred and Draco?" I asked.

-when Fred saw Draco choking you he was ready to beat him to death, but then you fainted  so he pushed draco away and grabbed you in his arms and brought you in your room.

-does anyone else know about all of these ?

- About the fight or about the kiss?

- About the what?

-you don't remember yourself making out with Fred?

-Shit, you are right.

-well...everyone saw you and Fred kissing...

-what about the fight?

-Only me, Harry, Ron, and George knows.

- Good... Hermione I'm so sorry... I ruined your night...

-No you didn't... Me and Ron kissed last night...


-but I was drunk too

-eh, at least you got your neck back

-hahahaha yes. Cause I don't talk to Malfoy...

"Look Hermione, I don't think..." I said and someone knocked the door.

-come in.

"Hi fred" i said and i blushed.

"Are you okay? Your neck?" he asked and put a strip of my hair behind my ear.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about that." i replied.

-Malfoy is literally the worst, you passed out and it's all his fault! If I see him again close to you I'm gonna kill him!

Fred is so angry with Draco i can see it in his eyes.

- Look guys..to be fair... i was too drunk...

"What do you mean "to be fair"? Are you defending him?? " Fred asked and wrinkled his eyebrows .

- No! Of course not... I'm just saying that I think I passed out because of the alcohol.

-Well I dont think so. You were fine when we were dancing. 

- I know.. and I know that Malfoy injured my neck , but the alcohol helped too.

- agreed..

-we are gonna let you rest... if you need anything you know where to find us...

- thank you so much guys... you are the best.

Hermione hugged me and Fred gave me a kiss on my forehead.


Draco's Pov:

I couldn't stand the idea that Fred kissed her! Why him and not me?
I got so angry that I followed her in the bathroom. She smiled at me...
Does she play with me?
I grabbed her by the neck and started to yell at her. She didn't respond.
Until the time that she told me that I was chocking her. That was enough for me to realize what I have just done to her... I pulled my hand back and let her breathe.  I swear to my life I didn't want to do this to her! Fred pushed me away and took her in his arms while she was passed out... I want to see her but I can't. What am I suppose to say to her? Besides, Fred is now in her room . I swear I'm gonna kill him. First he kisses her and now he is taking her away from me.


Y/N's Pov:

Before Fred came and asked me to dance with him, earlier at the party Malfoy and I had a conversation. Malfoy threatened me by saying "if you ever laugh at me again I will fu-"

Did he meant "I will fucking kill you"? Or....
Oh my god what am i thinking about...well I have bigger problems to deal with... what is going to happen with Fred? Do we have a thing now? I'm confused.
Another problem... just a little bit bigger at the time.... How am I suppose to cover up the bruises on my neck?

I looked my neck again in the mirror.
"Wow Malfoy really wanted me dead"

I started to search from my make up back to cover up the bruises.

Someone knocked the door again.

-It's open.

"Uhm, hi." Draco said and looked down.

-what is it Malfoy?

- Are you okay?

-yes I'm fine

he looked on my neck and did  two steps closer to me

I did two steps backwards...

"What I've done to you..."
He whispers and bites his lip. His eyes are wide open and his eyebrows are lifted up . He seems terrified.

His eyes met mine. That colour of ice on his eyes... they carry a storm, a frustration, I wanna get lost in them...

Do You Have The Guts? -Draco x Reader.(18+)Where stories live. Discover now