Part One: Call It A Waste

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As it was like every year before this- Hermione found herself feeling more and more anxious going back to Hogwarts.

In light of last years events- she found it hard to join Harry and Ron in staying home and finding jobs, instead of finishing her hard earned diploma.

Education has always been her prized possession, because it was something she worked hard to maintain and not everyone in the world could afford a good one.

She worked all summer trying to clean up the webbed mess that last year entangled her in. The first thing she had to do- which was by far the hardest at best- was find her parents in Australia and give them their memories back.

Trust that the poor girl had a Hell of a time not only locating them, but then explaining herself as to why she would do such reckless things.

She never quite got rid of the headache they had given her and for a short time, she was certain they would banish her from ever using magic again.

On the other hand, her friendships had only grown stronger with the War. And despite what many thought, she was pleased to say that something good came out of it.


She never thought she and Ron would actually see the day where they would begin dating, but the small push of adrenaline was apparently all they truly needed.

So it was a bit sad for her, boarding the train this year alone, while Harry and Ron interned as Aurors...or more or less worked in the Mail room at the Ministry as they apprenticed as Aurors was more likely. Though the boys would never truly tell her.

Walking from the platform onto the Hogwarts Express, Hermione waves goodbye to Harry and Ron- who seen her and Ginny off this morning. Blowing a kiss to Ron, she can't help but blush as he throws her one back.

"I'm going to go find Luna and Neville." Ginny cheerfully says as she steps away from the door.

"Alright- McGonagall had made me Head Girl- so I'm to make sure everyone is seated and the prefects know their duties for when we arrive at the station." She replies kindly to Ginny, who playfully rolls her eyes- knowing her intellectual friend is going to enjoy simply scheduling everything more than the actual title of Head Girl- along with her own private amenities and privileges.

As she turns to head towards the front of the train, she doesn't necessary pay attention as she does so and knocks head first into the tall lanky figure who was trying to pass her. She lands on her arse-hard- and drops her satchel- spilling the contents of the bag all over the floor.

"Sorry, I should pay attention, where I'm..." She begins to apologize, when she looks up and finds none other than Draco Malfoy standing over her with a neutral face. Her heart races and her jaw clenches tightly as he bends over without a word and starts putting her stuff back in random pockets and compartments of her satchel. "Stop. Don't- I don need your help."

She bites slightly and Draco seems to ignore her demand as he finishes cleaning up her things and offers her a hand up.

What is his problem? Can't he even utter a word?

She hesitates taking his hand and this only angers the boy. Reaching down, he forcibly takes Hermione's hand and drags her to her feet- depositing her satchel on her arm as he does so. Continuing passed her, he makes his way towards the back of the train- never speaking or looking at her as he goes.


He touched me willingly and didn't even make a snarky comment about how a Mudblood should learn where she's going and a Mudblood should never be in the way of a great pure blood like himself.

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