Part 25: The Rumor Mill

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She spared no time in telling her friends about her and Blaise's plan...that was after she had to explain everything that happened and why the plan was necessary.

Ginny cooled her heels on the matter on the train. Figuring out that he was really just upset with Hermione and not her.

They had agreed to spread the snogging rumor and Ginny even had Harry send the Marauder's Map to school so they could use it to track Draco's movements in case the rumor was enough to get him peeved.

The next day, after the rumor spread through breakfast like wild fire- Hermione made it appoint to show up late with Blaise so the rumors could thicken. She loosened her tie and fluffed her hair a bit and Blaise placed some of Hermione's light pink lip gloss on the collar of his shirt.

The second they walked in- whispers flew and eyes darted to them and followed them to their separate tables like bees to flowers. Ginny and the other two played the innocent bystanders well.

"Where have you been? And was that Blaise I just saw you come in with?"
Ginny feigns stupidity and a few Gryffindor near them and Ravenclaws over hear the exchange.

"Shhh...I don't want anyone to know." Hermione says.

"Know what?"

"I'll tell you later." She says slyly.

"Is it true then?" Ginny asks and now the Hufflepuff girls are leaning towards the Lion's table to listen. "You're snogging Blaise Zabini?"

"Shhhh!!!! Keep it down...and yes. We're snogging." Whispers begin to fly and Hermione inwardly laughs to herself about how gullible people are. "We don't want anyone to know because know- he's a Slytherin after all."

"And Malfoy's best Mate." Neville says clearly and even more whispers erupt. The whispers silence though as Draco walks through the door and all eyes are on him. Looking pissy as it is- the extra eyes on make him look more menacing. Walking to the table, he sits down across from Blaise, who is eating some bacon.

"Morning! How are you feeling ?" Blaise says happily- definitely not in his usual manner.

"I'm here aren't I?"

"Ha, yeah- I guess so." He smiles and takes a sip of orange juice.

"Why are you in such a good mood today?"

"'s nothing." He looks queerly at his best friend and upon observation- he notices the lipstick on his collar.

"Is that lipstick on you shirt?"

"What?!" Looking down, Blaise feigns embarrassment and tries to remove the stain with some water from the pitcher. "Shit..."

"No wonder you're in such a good mood. Who is she?"

" one. No one at all."

"It's obviously someone if you have lipstick on your collar." Draco states- his voice slightly amused and slightly annoyed.

"Well there is someone...but it's no big deal."

"Yeah. What's her name?" Looking passed Draco, he spots Hermione looking at him and she smiles a bit. When Draco turns to look, he can't explicitly spot any one person looking in their general direction. "As long as it's not a Hufflepuff, Mate- I say enjoy."

"Thanks...I better get going. I have to get to Divination."  Standing up, Blaise grabs his bag and heads off towards the doors. Draco watches him go as just as he's about to turn back- he catches several eyes following someone else. Turning around, he finds they land on Hermione- who has her books clutched to her chest as she too heads out of the Great Hall. When they're gone- everyone turns and looks at Draco and all he can do is roll his eyes and eat his breakfast.

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