Part 26: The Worst Keeps Coming

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When he got back to the common room- he was surprised the platinum blonde guy wasn't there waiting to kick his arse.

As Blaise heads upstairs- he feels that odd feeling in your chest- as if you know something bad has happened, but you just don't know what. He was planning on talking to Draco before Dinner- but with his friend missing- he almost thinks it's better to just not go looking for trouble.

"Have you seen Malfoy?" Blaise asks Theo and Pansy- who are canoodling on the sofa. They've oddly enough have grown closer than many would have guessed.

"No." Pansy says.

"I saw him come set his stuff down in a hurry and then bolt." Theo adds.

"Did he say where he was going?"

"Nah- just left. Looked really pissed off. Hey- heard a rumor...or fifty- that you and Granger are a thing."

"I don't have time to talk. I need to Malfoy."

"Frankly I wouldn't bother. Especially if the rumors are true." Rolling his eyes at the lack of help from his friends- Blaise exits the common room and nearly runs Hermione over in the process.

"Hermione?! What are you..."

"I think Draco needs help." She says frantically."

"Why?! What's happened?"

"Look at this." Pulling out the map- she turns to the page with the Black lake on it. "That's him."

"He's at the lake?"

"No. He's in the middle of it." Eyes widening, Blaise grabs Hermione's hand and tugs her behind him as fast as he can go. Racing through the building- nearly knocking everyone out of their way. He doesn't care what they say. What it looks like.

His friend.

His best friend.

Is in trouble. He feels it.

"Where you two off too?"

"Ginny! Get Neville and Luna and come to the Lake!" She calls as fast as she can as she faces behind Blaise. It does take long for the three to catch up as they race through the dark woods- the only light being the moon glowing down upon them.

"What the Hell is that?" Ginny asks as they reach the shore. "Hermione, what is that?"

"It's Draco." She says and follows Blaise out onto the Lake.

"Are you nuts?! You could go in! The Mermaids will surely eat you!" Ginny calls out from the shore, but it's too late- both Blaise and Hermione are yards away and not slowing down. "Neville- you may need to get Hagrid. Tell him it's an emergency."

Nodding- he takes off running and Luna just whistles softly.

"Why are you whistling?!"

"I'm calling for help. They'll come."


"The Thestrals."

Out on the ice- Hermione and Blaise get closer and closer to him and underneath the clear ice- they spot Mermaids following their every movement. Hermione knows what will happen if they fall through.

The mermaids are particularly ravenous in the winter months and right now- there are three tasty looking humans for them to feast upon.

Sliding across the ice on his pants, Blaise stops next to Draco and Hermione just makes it there as well.

"He's cold as ice. We gotta get him inside, now." Blaise says and they both go to pick him up, his dead weight causing them to struggle a bit. Each taking a shoulder- they drag his feet behind him as they walk and Hermione tries so hard to ignore the mermaids beneath her feet.

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