Part 15: The Pain We Feel

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He was left alone since 11:30 that morning and now at 9:00 at night- he feels as if he's back at his home for the holiday- no one who cares around him. Nothing fun to do. No hope of being happy.

It was the sound of someone aparating into his room that forced his hand to the lamp switch and upon seeing the massive tears on her pained face- he knew Hermione was hurting just as bad, if not worse than him.

Taking her wand, she charms the room so no sound can penetrate outward and if someone opens the door- they would simply find "Draco" sleeping.

Sitting up, he's swings his legs over the edge of the bed- about to get out- when she comes running over to him and throws her body to his chest.

"Mione, what's wrong? What happened?" He holds her to his chest and pushes her hair out of her face.

"Ron...and I had this big the" She sobs into his chest and grips his gown in her fists.

"About what?" He doesn't care why. He just needs to know if he needs to kiss his arse or not.

"I asked...asked him what he loved about me...and he couldn't...couldn't come up with one good thing..." She takes a big breath and continues. "Then he said it isn't convenient being with me because...because I'm a way and that I brought you home and...he says I cheat on him with you."

He just holds her and doesn't say anything.

"In reality- he's been seeing this woman for months, and is just untrusting, jealous, and...and hurtful..." Her tears soak his hospital gown and he's stuck between sympathizing with her and being angry that she's just using him as a shoulder to cry on. She doesn't actually want to be with him or love him. It's clear to him that he is existing in the friend-zone like Potter.

"Do you love him?" He asks quietly and she stills against him. "Do you find it hard to see a future where you aren't romantically involved with him?"

"I...I mean...I love him..."

"Do you want to marry him?" His tone is borderline angry and honestly she doesn't know what she feels for Ron. She's tired of being hurt and let down and staying in a relationship where she is cheated on and then belittled for doing nothing.

"If he wouldn't cheat and act jealous, I..."

"No- based on how he is now. How you know he's going to be. No hypotheticals of he can change or he's just waiting until I'm done with school. Do you want to marry him? If he proposed to you on Christmas or New Years Eve- what would you say?"

She doesn't answer and he knows she would. She would marry him and feign happiness because he knows Ron will always be in her life. She couldn't imagine one without him and for that reason she would suffer to keep him. Keep her world the way it's always been.

"I think it's pretty obvious that despite how upset he's made you- you obviously are still in love with him." It crushes his soul- but what did he expect? Her to actually choose him over Weasley? It would never happen. "I think you should go back to him."

She pulls back and looks at him- hurting horribly and confused.


"Hermione- couples fight and I'm sure you let him have it. Probably much so that he will change for you and you will be happy with him. You've had a long stressful week already...and he's right." He pulls from her and looks between her wet glassy eyes. "If I wasn't in your home for holiday- if I went home- you two would be happier and your relationship wouldn't be strained."

"No. That's not..."

"It's true Hermione. I've not only ruined your holiday- but I've ruined your weekend with your boyfriend- whom you love despite his flaws. So when I get released from her tomorrow- I'll go home and give you and Weasley you happy holiday back."

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