Part 22: Back To School

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It was cold.

7 hours of waiting at the train station for the platform to open up.

7 hours of numb fingers and toes- an ear ache from the slight breeze blowing through the slightly open station.

7 hours of cursing himself for ever putting himself in that situation of getting close to Hermione.


She's once more Granger.

Whatever feelings I have for her must die.

Because after all- I'm just a snake.

As Hogwarts Students begin to arrive, Draco stands from the bench and makes his way to the platform. With each step, he feels as if his big bright world is slowly diminishing and fading to black. His brows naturally furrow and hang over his eyes. His once smiling demeanor cascades down into a long sneering frown. His loosened hands becomes firm, gripping fists around his luggage handle- and his heart shrinks and shrivels and loses the bright red color- dulling to the darkest shade of black.

"Oi? Malfoy? You're early, Mate." Blaise comes sauntering up to him. His naive smile blooming on his face until he notices Draco's. "What's wrong? Was holiday no good."

"Shut up." He lowly growls as he boards the train.

It hurts Blaise.

Not his comment.

Not how he said it.

But the way about him that tells the boy just how hurt his friend is.  He was hopeful- when he found out through the grape vine that he spent the holiday at Hermione Granger's house.

He had over heard Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood talking about it in the shops in Diagon Alley. He secretly followed them around to hear the gossip of his friend snogging theirs. He had wishful thinking that maybe now Draco could truly be himself and be happy.

Seeing him now- his wishful think has once more let him down.

Following him to their normal spot at a table- Blaise slides into the booth across from Draco- who glares angrily out the window. He watches student after student board the train- their stupid smiles making his stomach turn. It's when he spots her- that he feels absolutely horrendous and sick. She just briefly catches his gaze and she too seems unwell.

"So...want to talk about it?" Blaise asks as he pops a Drooble's in his mouth.

"No. Now don't ask again."

"Right...well- don't you have a job to do?" Glaring at him, Draco stands up and goes off without a single word to his friend.

Starting at the front of the train, Hermione checks in on each student as well as the prefects.

Seeing him hurt her terribly. She wants to make things better between them- but after seeing his reversed state- she knows it would be a fruitless endeavor.

Getting halfway through the train, she sees him two compartments away.  Opening her last door, she finds Ginny and her friends looking at her.

"Where'd you go last night? You were supposed to come back?"

"I didn't feel well." She lies and sits down. Draco opens the compartment before realizing Hermione is in it.

"Hey! Long time no see." Ginny says. "How was your holiday?"

He sneers at her- despite feeling bad about it.

Better I cut ties with all of them.

Save myself the trouble.

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