Part 23: Reprecussions

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She didn't say anything for the longest time. She just sat behind her big desk and stared at the intelligent star student.

It shocked her that twice this school year, she had attacked someone. She was certainly different than she was in her younger years, but Minerva cannot fathom how the youth of today could become so troubled in such a short amount of time.

"Miss. Granger." She finally begins and the young girl looks remorseful at her elder and role model. "What possessed you to not only slap another student repeatedly, but punch him so hard in his chest that his heart stops beating?"

Hermione looks up at the Headmistress and doesn't know what to say.

She was angry?

She was upset and needed to take it out on someone.

She loves that arsehole, but he plays with her heart and emotions mercilessly?

"I'm waiting, Miss Granger and it isn't patiently."

"We had a falling out and it was all my fault. I was just so angry with him today and couldn't control myself. It's not an excuse and it was a horrible thing to do. I never meant to stop his heart. I never meant to actually hurt him." She says calmly and morosely.

"Yes- well you did seriously hurt him and I can't have that in my school, Miss. Granger."

"I understand, Professor. I'll go pack my things." Hermione stands up and removes her Head Girl pin- a pin she wore with such pride you'd have thought it was made just for her. Placing it on the desk in front of McGonagall, she turns and walks down the three steps towards the Eagle to leave.

"Miss. Granger." Stopping, she turns and looks at the old lady, who is slowly standing, grabbing the pin and coming towards her. "I determine your punishment. Not you. Now, put this back on. You will be serving Two Months Detention and you will not be attending outings in Hogsmeade or the Valentine's Dance. Am I understood?"

"Yes, Professor."

"Now, I suggest an apology is in order for Mr. Malfoy." With that, she gestures for Hermione to leave, which she does. Stepping out, there aren't any students out and about- since it's already well passed curfew. Making her way to the Hospital Wing, she can't get the guilt to stop eating away at her.

Walking in, she finds Madame Pomphry at her desk and when she spots the small looking girl- she clenched her teeth together and then pulls her aside.

"Miss. Granger- do you realize the severity of the injury you caused Mr. Malfoy." She doesn't say anything, because she's going to hear it regardless. "Not only did you break his sternum and fracture two of his ribs- you stopped his heart. You better hope it doesn't give out through the night."

Eyes getting ready to cry, she walks in to see Draco- who is the first patient of the New Year- not a particularly coveted title.

Getting to his bedside, he lays flat on the bed and is fast asleep. Sitting on the edge of the mattress- Hermione pushes his out of his eyes and the tears start falling. Covering her mouth so her sobs aren't audible, she squeezes his hand in hers and prays continuously that he is alright.

"I'm so sorry...I'm soooo...sorry..." She quietly cries and she just wishes he'd wake up and flip out at her. Call her stupid Mudblood, and just make her feel as shitty as she already does.

"Miss. Granger- that's long enough. You need to head to you common room." Standing up, she lets go of his hand and wipes her eyes before leaving.

***Two Weeks Later***

He hasn't ever hurt as bad as he has this last week.

Who knew stopping your heart could be so painful when it gets restarted?

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