Part Six: Lucius and Narcissa Arrive

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"Where is he?!" It was the only voice that could send shivers down his spine and turn his blood cold.

Lucius Malfoy.

It didn't take long for the Malfoy's to show up to Hogwarts.

In fact- it took less than three minutes after they had received the owl.

Three minutes was all it took to allow the anger and worry set in deep in their bones.

"Shit...Hermione- you need to go." Draco stands and starts pulling Hermione by her hand towards the door. It wouldn't take long for Lucius to get down the hallway to his son's room and if Hermione Granger was found in it- she wouldn't last very long.

"I'm not leaving, Draco..."

"I'm not asking you too. I'm telling you. You need to go." He forcibly pushes her from the room and Flitwick becomes rather confused- that is until his parents come through the door- McGonagall trying to get between them and their son.

"What the bloody hell are you doing?!" Lucius grabs Draco by his shirt collar and pins him to the wall.

"Mr. Malfoy!"

"Have you any idea how stupid you are! Making your mother worry like that! You pathetic, insolent boy! What is going through your head." He yells for the whole school to hear. Hermione- who is standing with Hagrid near the entrance hall, listens and feels horrible for Draco: now understanding what he meant.

"Mr. Malfoy!" McGonagall wretches again.

"Can it Minerva. This is my son and I will deal with him as sees fit." He snaps before turning back to Draco. "What a disgrace! An outrage!"

"Lucius, put him down." Narcissa calmly says and it takes the man several seconds before listening to his wife. Walking across the room to her son, she pulls him to her chest and cradles his head.

""This is why he's soft! This is why he's pathetic! Because you coddle him! Because you..."

"Shut up!!" Hermione yells from the outside of the room. Their eyes fall to her and Draco shakes his head- secretly pleading her to leave. Narcissa's eyes widen and yet inside- she smiles knowing that someone is bravely standing up to her domineering husband.

"Granger! How dare you..."

"How dare you!" She interrupts and Minerva inwardly smiles at the bravery of her Gryffindor student. "You realize you're part of the problem! Treating your son like he's nothing. Treating your son the way the bullies of this school do! No wonder he he feels the way he does! With a father who doesn't properly love him- let alone believe in him! You're the pathetic! Not him!"

"This doesn't concern you, Mudblood." Lucius bites and Draco steps between his father and Hermione.

"Enough, Father. Don't call her that! I may not be the son you wanted- but if you want me as your son at all: you won't talk to the only friend I have- that way. She's the reason I'm here- so you could show her a bit of gratitude if you actually care." Lucius' mouth drops open and Narcissa quietly walks over and hugs Draco. When she pulls back, she looks at Hermione kindly and offers her a hug of appreciation.

Hugging Narcissa, Hermione looks at Lucius with narrowed eyes and his face is distorted.

"You may not love me, but I've always respected you. I may not be the son you wanted or deserve...but I'm what you got." Draco feels tears. Rushing in his eyes and he notices Narcissa clinging to Hermione's side as if she'd collapse if she let go. Lucius looks at the professors and his wife, Hermione and Draco and for the first time ever- they see his face actually soften and eyes become wet.

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