Part 28: The Plan Flew South

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Looking up at the clock on the wall, Hermione finds that the time has been whizzing by at a centaurs pace.

It's almost 7:30 and her nervous are racing as she gets up from her spot on the couch and places her book back on the table before heading out to find Blaise.

What is is plan for tonight?

Is it something easy?


Will it be intricate?

Looking down at her skirt, she presses out the creases and wrinkles as she walks down the steps towards the lower floors.

She ponders the chances of success as she makes her way passed the Great Hall and towards the Dungeons. The tyrannical tremble that has harbored her body for the last few months causes her stomach to twist and churn.

The pink illuminated hallway slowly diminishes to a dark colder hue of soft greens.

She doesn't know why anyone would find the dungeons homey and charming. Maybe if it wasn't so dark, dingy, and creepy- she wouldn't mind it, but late at night it gives her goosebumps.  Looking down the hall, she finds Blaise leaning against the bare wall that is usually where the entrance of the common room is.

"Good, you made it...why are you still in your uniform?" Blaise asks- he had changed into jeans and a black t-shirt to feel more comfortable- the tie and dress clothes never really suited him as a person and he'll be damned if he has to stay in it any longer than his normal school day.

"I didn't know I was supposed to change. You didn't tell me anything other than to show up." A bit irritated, she snaps just a bit and then sighs. "I'm sorry...I'm just...frustrated."

"I know, Mione...but it'll be alright."

"So what is the plan?"

"Astoria should be bringing Draco back any minute now."


"I had her ask him to the dance." Hermione glares at him slightly.

"You know they've slept together right?"

"Yeah? She isn't interested in him now. She's doing me a favor because I offered to do her Divination project. I told her to either send him back or bring him back to the common room at 7:30 so that we could execute my plan." He moves away from the wall and Hermione just watches him.

"Which is?" She asks and they hear footsteps. Before she can ask another question, Blaise pushes her up against the wall forces his tongue into her mouth as his right hand gropes her breast and his left slides up her skirt. His fingers press and slide over her panties- touching her sex and cause her eyes to widen as she tries to push him over. He thrusts his manhood into her leg- humping it and getting hard from his assault. "Blaise...stop...stop... get off of me!"

Panic sets in and he doesn't stop as his nips and sucks at her neck and pushes his entire body weight into hers. His hand pulls at her blouse- causing her buttons to pop open and he slides his hand into her bra cup and rubs his thumb over her nipple as he continues to molest her

"Stop...please...." She desperately please to him, but he doesn't listen. 

If she thought this was scary and humiliating, when her slides her panties to the side and strokes her sex with his fingers- that's when she feels this isn't a joke or part of his plan. This is him taking advantage of her and using his tall stature and strong lean frame against her.

Tears start streaming down her face and she closes her eyes- thinking it'll never end no matter how much she cries and screams and begs him not to do it.

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