Part Five: The Tower

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As Hermione headed towards Hagrid's Hut, she kept thinking about Draco and how he seemed so lost seconds earlier. She appreciated all he had said in McGonagall's office, but she couldn't help but feel it was all to mask something more important that was going on with him.

Being the first to arrive to Hagrid's, she finds him tending to his pumpkins and humming happily to himself.

"Hello, Hagrid." She happily calls as she approaches. The tall giant of a man smiles warmly at the young girl- who had always shown him a special kindness similar to that of Harry.

"Hello, 'ermione. How are we today?"

"Well...I got in trouble...big trouble." She admits and his brows knit together as he looms down at her.

"What kind of trouble? Fer what?"

"Well, Seamus and Pansy were making horrible comments to Draco about how he know...not be...alive." She says in hushed tones.

"No! Dat's not right." He says shocked that a human being could be so horrible to their fellow man.

"I know- he didn't seem to care until Pansy called me a Mudblood and then he started fighting and I couldn't help but join in."

"Well ya know 'ermione, ya did a good thing. Standin' up fer a friend."

"Yeah....but I feel Draco is allowing their comments to get to him. I'm worried Hagrid. He hasn't been least not in the Great Hall like everyone else. He's lost weight and I think...I think he might listen to Seamus." She confesses and Hagrid looks up the hill at the students coming down and notices Draco isn't amongst them as he normally would be- even if it's at the back of the pack.

"'ermione- I think you should go find Draco. Dat's very concernin'. I'll talk to McGonagall before class. Alright?" She nods and is about to leave, when she turns back to Hagrid. "Don't worry about class. I'm not handin' out any assignments today."

"Thank you, Hagrid." Taking off back up the hill, Hermione tries to think about where Draco might be. She doesn't like the idea of him falling into that depressive rut, but how hard would it be not too- what with how everyone treats him and talks horribly.

Getting up to the hill, passed the stone circle, just before the small walk way arch, Hermione looks up and to her fears notices a figure with near white hair standing up in the observation deck of the astronomy tower. Racing as fast as she can- pushing herself passed her normal breaking point, Hermione hustles to the top of the tower and when she arrives there, she finds Draco leaning back against the railing- on the outside of the tower- looking out at the dark Gray clouding sky before him. He seems so small and even from behind, Hermione can feel the grimace on his face as she comes closer- cautiously.

"He was right- you know." His voice carries around the open astronomy-tower and makes Hermione's stomach drop and turn sour. All he has to do is take one step forward and he's done for. "If I one would care."

"That's not true, Malfoy. Seamus is an idiot and he doesn't know what he's talking about. Now, climb back over the railing, please." She pleads and he shakes his head and looks down at the cobble stone pavement below. He vividly remembers what it felt like watching Dumbledore tumble over the edge and fall near gracefully to the pavement. It made his stomach churn and his heart feel heavier than if he tried to pick up the Hogwarts Express.

"Why do you care so much, Granger? I'd expect you to be right there with 'em. You should be right there with 'em. After all I've done to you. All I stood by and let happen to you- when I could've stopped it." His voice is low and full of pain and in Hermione's ears, it tickles her. "Yet everyday, you stand up and offer your partnership. You defend me when people tell you to just walk away...and now you're getting into trouble as well. How do you do it? How do you stand there and offer me so much more than I deserve?"

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