Part 27: Be My Valentine

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With Valentine's Day coming up, Hermione finds her head becoming more and more clouded by Draco. Since January, she has tried talking to him- to which most of his responses were him walking away or telling her to leave him alone.

Her heart has slowly been breaking with each day he pulls away from her.

In all their classes, he doesn't even acknowledge her. He doesn't gaze in her direction and he doesn't speak to anyone.

He's back to sneering and growling and yelling at people as if the old Draco never left.

She has been transfixed on her parchment for the last half hour in Ancient Runes and as everyone else silently works: she cannot.

It's beginning to bother Draco.

He's noticed that lately she seems to care less and less about her classes and work. She seems foggy and lost all the time.

The only reason he can come up with is Blaise.

People often get lost in thought when it has to do with people they love.

Watching her from the corner of his eye- he notices a slight tremble in her hand that is holding her quill. Her face seems paler that normal and her left foot on his side- is bouncing up and down impatiently.

What? Does she not know how to solve these? They're so easy.

Then again- maybe she's sick.

Or maybe she's waiting for Blaise to come pull her from class so they can fuck and he's running late.

When she finally does start moving her quill on the paper- he notices she is writing the correct answer- though her writing is messier than normal and as she nears the end of her sentence- she snaps he quill in half.

Something isn't right with her.

Overly sick appearance.


Lack of focus.

She...she's not...

Inwardly groaning at the snapping of her quill, she searches her bag for another quill and by the continued number groans, Draco can tell she's having no luck.

"The Great Granger doesn't have another quill? Maybe you left it in the last broom cupboard." He asks snidely. Her immediate response is to push out of her chair and yell at him for the whole class to hear.

"Oh shut up, Draco! Why are you such a blithering idiot all the time?!" Everyone turns to look at the exchange as she grabs her stuff and exits the classroom- the Professor just watches her leave, confused- but not caring enough to chase her down.

With their eyes still on him- he begins to feel uncomfortable.

Storming down the hallway, Hermione wipes tears from her eyes as her frustration grows inside her.

Why is he such a jerk to her all the time? Why can't he just go back to being sweet and caring and charming?

It was bad enough she lost her wand in the lake and had to buy a new- less familiar- one.

But after everything she did for him, he still hates her.

Then again- he always had- hadn't he?

As classes are dismissed, Hermione pushes through the crowd so she can get back to the dormitory.

Everyone is beyond excited for the dance tonight. They all bought or arranged their outfits and are ready to go zooming off to get dressed so they can have a night full of wonderment.

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