Part 14: The Public Scene

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When Hermione and her father got home that night, she was too distraught and upset to bring herself to talk to anyone.

Not even Ron.

She simply went to her bedroom and locked the door.

She cried herself to sleep that night.

The struggle inside her was ever growing and she had no hope to destroy it.

She just wanted to understand.

She wanted to understand why one moment he wanted her- always seeming to want her close to him- and the next he pushed her away and acted as though neither of them have any meaning to the other.

It confuses and hurts her.

It messes with her heart each time he does it.

Waking up this morning, Hermione finds her eyes red and puff from having cried for half the night. Grabbing her wand she uses a quick spell Ginny taught her and her whole appearance seems to look as though she never cried herself to sleep over Draco Malfoy. Getting dressed in jeans and a cardigan, Hermione makes her way downstairs after her morning hygiene routine.

Surprisingly enough, Ron is up and playing some kind of game with the girls.

"Mione! Good morning!" He comes over and kisses her lips tenderly, while placing a hand on her hip. He seems different today. As if his mind was swapped out with the boy from her childhood who was fun and less jealous and domineering and hurtful.

"Morning. What are you doing?"

"Oh- we were playing lions and zebras. They were the zebras and I was the lion."

"Oh...that's sweet of you." Yet it doesn't have the same effect on her heart like Draco had when he played dress up with them.

"Hermione- how's Draco?" Katie asks as she sits up on her legs.

"He's doing okay. He had to have surgery yesterday."

"Really? Is he going to be okay?" She asks and before Hermione can answer- Ron opens his mouth.

"Oh yeah. He's a tough cookie. Nothing to worry about girls. I'm sure in a day or two he'll be back." Looking at Ron- it feels weird and forced- how he speaks of Draco. She appreciates him trying to be present and polite- but she almost hates it more than his broody, naggy, jealous attitude he normally has.

"Ron's right. Draco is strong like a Dragon. His name does mean dragon, you know." Hermione says and the girls ooo and ahh at the information.

"Well- nice to see everyone up and rearing to go. Girls- do you have your boots and coats on?" Evelyn asks as she and Hermione's mother come into the living room, dressed and ready to leave.

"Where are you going?" She asks and her Mum smiles.

"To the hospital for a bit. Going to see Draco, drop him off some sweets the girls made him before bed last night. Then we're going shopping for a Christmas tree...if we can find a good one this year." The last few Christmases the trees have all be small and twiggy. It was real disappointing since the tree has always been the Granger's favorite part of the holiday season. "You two want to come along?"

"N..." Hermione starts, but Ron interrupts her.

"Of course we do. Go see how Draco's doing and picking out a tree. What could be more fun than that?" He muses and Hermione slowly becomes annoyed with his little charade.

"Well, get your coats and boots."

As they leave the house, Ron decides it's time to step up and show initiative- so he holds open everyone's door- to which all the older women know he's only doing it to be just as good if not better than the missing gentleman they swooned over yesterday. Getting in the car, he sits beside Hermione in the back of Evelyn's van and he holds her hand sweetly.

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