Let it Go

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Whether or not Parker liked Caitlin, Barry needed her helping to find their missing friend.

After a few calls and no answer, Barry decided to wait an hour or two, thinking that Parker was still sleeping.

Never once did he think about the possibility of her being kidnapped.

Joe pressed a hand on Barry's shoulder. "There's no sign of Caitlin."

Barry ran his fingers over the ice on the side of her car. "We have to get her back. We have to find Snart."

"Damn right we do."


Exposed to the hectic atmosphere of the CCPD, Barry gained a wave of determination. 

Stopping his split from Joe, Eddie jogged to pair, holding a manila folder in his hand.

"Uh, we found a second pair of prints. They belong to Mick Rory."

Joe flipped open the folder, tilting it to show Barry the picture. Barry quickly deduced that was --as Cisco called him-- Heat Wave.

"Who is he?" Barry asked.

"Big-time arsonist. He and Snart worked a job last year that went bad. Half of Rory's body was burned in a fire that got out of control. He escaped from an ambulance on the way to the hospital, and hasn't been seen since," Eddie continued.

In the time of the explanation, the three had walked to Joe's desk.

Thawne turned, his hands hooked on his belt. He brought his eyes to meet Barry's, weariness present throughout his body language.

"Barry, there's one other thing," Eddie started carefully.

"Oh, God," Joe mumbled, his eyes staring sadly at the contents of the folder. Staying quiet, Joe passed the folder to Barry.

A picture of Parker had been paper clipped underneath Mick Rory's.

"Parker," Barry mumbled, his finger running over her picture. "They--"

"We found her finger prints on the ice. We think she may have touched it, or something, but it's good she did. Without it, we wouldn't know they had her."

"Guys," Joe said.

The two followed his gaze to the television screen.

Heat Wave and Captain Cold held their two captives on the television screen.


"I don't suppose singing a beautiful version of 'Let it Go' would be enough for you to let us go?" Parker tried.

"Nice try, sweetheart."

Parker wasn't afraid of Captain Cold, because he seemed to hold an interest in her. In a desperate situation, she could use that against him.

The other man had her concerned. Manned with a heat gun, and an obvious recklessness, he was unpredictable.

It was also quite unfortunate Parker's biggest fear was being burned alive.

Her other fear (smaller than the rest, yet still present) was Barry. No matter how much she reprimanded him about keeping calm when civilians, or people he knew were involved in a meta-human scheme, she didn't know if he could keep his head cool.

Captain Cold crouched in front of her, his hands sliding beside her legs, feeling around the wooden chair she was tied to.

Parker maintained eye contact, glaring into his sunglasses. The glare in her eyes faltered when she felt the rope removed from her wrists.

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