Thinking Out Loud

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Locking herself away from the outside world for a few days had given Parker time to think and come to terms with what happened to her. She found drawing how trapped she felt had helped with coping. 

After her sketchbook was filled, Parker decided it was time to answer to the messages on her cell phone. Three were from Cisco, six were from Barry, eight from Iris, and three lucky ones were from Felicity Smoak. 

Appalled, Parker clicked on only Felicity's messages.

Half of Olicity:
Barry's worried about you, what happened?

Half of Olicity:

Half of Olicity:
Okay that was a bit harsh. I'm here if you need me. Or someone. All of us love you, k? WE'LL LISTEN.

To: Half of Olicity

I'm fine

Parker tossed her phone to the couch across the living room. She focused on the pencil in her hand. For days, she tried to stop the trembling in her hands. Nothing worked to stop her physical fright. 

A knock on the door didn't help to stop her shaking hands. Slowly, Parker walked to the door. She cautiously cracked it open, enough to peak through. 

The person on the other side didn't want to give her a chance to see who they were. The unidentified body pushed the door open fully.

"Felicity," breathed Parker. 

"Shower right now, get dressed, then meet me at this exact spot. I'm taking you somewhere," ordered Felicity. 

Parker opened her mouth to protest. 

"Do you think you have a choice here?" asked Felicity with a tight smile. "Shower. Now."

Parker shuffled into the bathroom. The warm water embraced her. Down the drain went the water, and, extraordinarily, her sorrow. 

"Are you okay?" asked Felicity through the door. 

Parker shut the water off. 

"Good," said Felicity. "I'll wait in the living room."

Parker stepped across the hardwood floor into her bedroom. She tossed on blue jeans and a black hoodie, then slid her grey fleece over her shoulders. She slipped her feet into boots. 

When in the car, Parker set her head against the window. The coldness calmed her headache. 

"I'll save you some questions," began Felicity. "I came because my friend had gone M.I.A. for three days. I wasn't going to leave you alone. I came to check that you're fine. Are you?"

"I guess."

"Well, listen, Park, I'm here to tell you that you're going to be fine, if you aren't right now. You're beautiful, healthy, alive, and you have so much to live for. You can't be giving up after one death scare. After ten is where it's acceptable to give up," she tried to joke. 

Parker chuckled. 

Felicity smiled at her. "Sometimes giving up might feel like the only option, but it's not. I promise."

Parker recognized the street they turned onto. Despite the dizziness that came when Parker raised her head from the window, she pushed past it to push Felicity's knee down. The breaks screeched against the asphalt as the car stopped. 

"You talked to Barry?!" groaned Parker. 

"Parker, I got a text from Cisco saying that they were terrified about you! You sent one text, one, to me, and I came running. I called Barry to let him know you were alive. What else was I supposed to do besides call Barry?" argued Felicity.

"Bring Big Belly Burger, talk with me, take me to see 5 Seconds of Summer," Parker mumbled.

Felicity's foot let off the break. "Well, one of those things I can do. No Barry tonight. Just me and you."


When their talk began, Felicity and Parker promised that they weren't going to cry. They both admitted that too much crying had gone on since they started working with their superheroes. That rule was thrown out the window when Felicity started talking about how Oliver didn't want another woman he loved dying. 

Together, Felicity and Parker cried, simultaneously shoving greasy Big Belly Burger food in their mouths.

"It's hard being an accomplice to this life," sighed Parker. "It's hard not to take things to heart."

"Hell yeah, it is. Whether it's being out there, or helping from the safety of a hideout, whatever he goes through, it affects me, too. There's a risk to doing this with him. Sorta makes you really think about carpe diem, you know?" whispered Felicity. 

"I know," mumbled Parker. 

Felicity fell silent. She looked out of the apartment window, her gaze stuck on the night life of the bustling Central City. 

Parker closed her eyes. 

Within Felicity's visit, dying had gone from being Parker's biggest fear to just the end of her story. Scratching the surface of death had given her a learning experience. She felt better about herself, her actions, after the incident with Farooq. 

"You know what, Park," said Felicity suddenly, "I ship Parry."

"I ship Olicity," Parker retorted without missing a beat.

Felicity craned her neck to meet Parker's eyes. "Do you have any alcohol?"

"I do."

"Can we get shit-faced drunk right now?"

"I vote yes."

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