The Fast and Furious Parker

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Illuminating the interior of S.T.A.R. Labs were fluorescent lights, bright enough to pierce through the skin covering a person's eyeballs. Those lights alone were the main factor in Parker's head when piecing together where she came to at. 

Felicity, however, had no clue that Parker was awake. Sitting by her bedside, she spun in a computer chair, singing, "Parker Elizabeth... Parker Sylas... Parker Sylas-Allen? Parker Allen...?" in various voices to entertain herself, since Oliver refused to. 

The vigilante knew Parker was awake, and had been for a while. He noticed in the change of her chest when she took a breath. He decided to exclude Felicity on the information, if not for more points in their Game of Uncomfortable, for his own personal enjoyment. He allowed the tech woman to continue babbling. 

"Parker, wake up, we need you for our plan," whined Felicity. 

"'Plan,'" echoed Parker, raising her hands over her closed eyelids. "What plan?"

"How long were you awake?" asked Felicity, frowning. She turned to Oliver. "Did you know she was awake?

Oliver decided to ignore the inquiry. "How do you feel, Parker? Do you know where you are?"

"I'm at S.T.A.R. Labs," sighed Parker. 

"How do you know that?" asked Felicity, impressed. 

Parker opened her eyes. She winced, blinking rapidly to adjust her eyes to the light. Irritated, she pointed above them. 

"That's a pretty good factor," agreed Felicity. 

"What's up with my shoulder? Did you successfully fix me?" asked Parker.

"Not exactly," said Felicity softly. 

Parker seethed, "Excuse me?"

Oliver tossed a hat on Parker's stomach. "We decided to wait until you were awake. Put that between your teeth," he ordered. 

"No! I passed out specifically for you to fix me while I was knocked out, you can't just wait for me to wake up, then decide to torture me some more!" yelled Parker. 

"That's too bad," said Oliver flatly. 

Felicity, on Oliver's orders, was forced to hold down Parker's legs and remaining arm, as she continued to kick and punch at his approaching figure. No extra limbs remained to cover Parker's consistent swearing. 

"Stop resisting, you'll just hurt yourself further," warned Felicity nervously. 

Parker continued to scream, this time, screaming the names of every Team Flash member. (Specifically, Barry.) 

Desperate, Felicity muttered, "Oliver, she's terrified. We have to find something to knock her out so we can do this."

Oliver drew his arm back, causing both Felicity and Parker to scream with protest, in utter fear of physical contact for the panicking woman. The duo quieted when a needle was placed into his hand. Shaking his head, he grabbed Parker's flailing arm and steadied it as best as he could. 

"Sorry, kid," he told her sincerely. 

Then, the needle went through Parker's arm. Soon, her blinking came to a stop, and her ears stopped receiving noises.


When Felicity saw Parker's eyes start to flutter, she asked, "Are you alive?"

"Barely," winced Parker. 

"Caitlin says twelve weeks of taking it easy should heal your shoulder," said Felicity. 

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