If I Lose You

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Cisco requested the presence of Parker, Barry, Eddie and Joe at S.T.A.R. Labs as soon as they could.

In the same place when they received the text message, Parker relied on Barry for a ride. Eddie and Joe arrived together as well, twenty minutes after them. With Caitlin on the phone with Wells, the rest gathered in the bunker.

Cisco had figured out how to trigger the hologram. The Reverse-Flash stood tall, his red eyes staring at the group, specifically Barry, who stood directly at the front.

"So, Wells set up a fake showdown, with a fake opponent, who wasn't really there," Eddie said, breaking the silence.

"He figured if we saw them together, it would prove he wasn't the Reverse-Flash," Barry confirmed.

"This all just keeps getting crazier and crazier."

Parker cleared her throat, ready to break the news of the Reverse-Flash's real name to Eddie.

At the same time, Caitlin came down through the elevator and Cisco shut off the hologram, holding Parker from the revelation for a bit longer.

"I talked to Wells. He's attending a meeting, won't be back until five," she explained.

The group made a circle. Barry took the lead, ready to review the plan.

"All right. Cisco, you know when he gets here, you need to be setting off the trap so he sees you working on the hologram. Parker, you sit by the door and just.." Barry trailed off, failing to give her direction, simply because he didn't know what she could do.

"Look pretty," Parker finished.

Barry nodded.

"Hold up," Joe cut in, raising his eyebrows. "Isn't that when everything went.."

"Kali Ma, Temple of Doom, yes," Cisco confirmed, eyes wide with remembrance. "That definitely happened." He ran a hand over his heart, snapping out of his memories, looking far more determined to get their trap over with. "This time, I'm ready for him. I originally designed a forcefield to keep a speedster from getting out, but I've reversed it. Now, it won't let one in."

Cisco looked at the ceiling of the contraption. His finger pressed down on a button that sent a trickling red light over the containment center. He locked eyes with Barry, his finger curling, taunting him to try it.

"Back up," Barry muttered.

The team followed his direction. Curiosity piqued their interest, everyone watched intently as Barry crouched, set to run at Cisco. Without a warning, Barry left behind a whoosh of wind. He didn't go far, having run into the force field and proceed to be thrown back, the shield rejecting him from entry.

Caitlin ran to Barry, being his Doctor and all. "Oh, Barry, are you okay?"

Barry gave a slight nod, standing and shaking out the pain. The three rejoined the huddle.

"As long as I'm inside, Wells won't be able to get near me," Cisco promised.

Parker nudged Barry with her elbow, gaining his attention. "Meaning that if anything happens, you need to run me outside the shield and I'll hop in. I'm your priority."

"You're always a priority," Barry countered.

Parker closed her eyes, shaking her head shamefully. "Not the time to be flirting, honey. Not the time," she muttered.

"I'll be in the Cortex, watching and recording everything that happens," Caitlin announced.

"As soon as we get the confession we need to free my dad, I'll move in," Barry continued.

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