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the jackson five- abc

AN- smut, again. do i even need a warning at this point? you're all sluts anyway <3

After getting changed, we'd slipped out of the party as discreetly as possible, giggling like idiots as we tripped in the grassy lawn and shushed each other drunkenly. We weren't properly drunk, to be clear. We were just stupid, excited, and extremely horny. Safely in the car, terrible karaoke ensued, during which we both attempted to grope each other at the same time. We laughed about it so hard that Jace swerved in the road, and I slapped him in the side of the head as a reminder of my 4 week coma because of such carelessness. He promised to apologize properly later with the help of his tongue, and I wheezed. Our laughs made each other laugh even more, and as we stumbled out the car doors and into the house, we looked like we'd just done a shit ton of drugs.

Our hysterics died down as soon as he closed the front door though, purely because his tongue was down my throat within seconds. We clumsily made our way to his room, trying not to wake Monica and Darren in the hopes of saving them the trauma caused by seeing me wrapped around their son's waist. He forgot to be graceful as he kicked the door shut behind us and we both tensed up and froze, wincing at the loud noise. We stared at each other in fear for a few seconds before cracking up with hushed laughter. "I'm gonna pee myself," I cried into his shoulder as I forced down my amusement.

"God, I've never wanted you more," he growled comically before throwing me down on the bed. The making out lasted approximately two minutes before Jace passed out on top of me and mumbled something about eyeliner in his sleep. Okay, so it turned out he was a little drunk.

The next morning was the best part, though. Being in his fortress of a room meant it was just us. I got to watch him sleep- or pretend to sleep, because ten seconds into my creepy ogling he grabbed me by the dick and said, "Quit falling for me."

"Aw," I huffed, slapping his hand away. "But I was just getting to the part where I think about how if I shut my eyes tight enough, I could really grow to like you."

"Bitch," he said before kissing me.

"Pervert," I replied before kissing him back.

Downstairs in the kitchen, Jace started playing something happy and very, well, not Jace. It reminded me of the morning that he'd danced to 60's music and we'd eaten a rare breakfast, like it was something we actually did. I found myself wanting to see him cook again, and I had to fight my grin when he got out pancake mix and started humming. Apparently pancakes were the only thing we could stand to eat in the bleakness of morning. I walked over to join him and he slapped my ass, gaining a scowl from me to which he only laughed. I felt like we were in some movie scene as we mixed the batter together and purposefully good food all over each other's faces. I hated us with a burning passion. We had only agreed to be fuck buddies who didn't actually like each other, and yet we were both acting like I had just announced my pregnancy.

"What in the fresh fuck is this?"

Me and Jace spun around in the middle of throwing batter at each other and froze when we saw Lee staring at us like he'd just seen a ghost. Like an idiot, I pointed to the stove behind me. "Pancakes."

"Yeah, I can see that, but thank you Noah for your insightful input." Lee pointed to his brother with wide eyes. "Why is he here?"

Jace shrugged and licked some batter from his finger before turning back around to overlook the cooking. "Pancakes," he replied casually. "Noah, be a dear and pass me the spatula."

"Get it yourself, fatass."

Lee blinked at us incredulously, his left eye twitching in disbelief. "W-why aren't you tearing each other's faces off?" He exclaimed.

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