bonus chapter- 04

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sea creatures- soak

tw// enzo mention :/ im srry this was set in the past when he wasnt facing a prison sentence ❤️

also i personally think my readers should have a name like bts ARMY because we deserve it. leave ideas down below and don't you dare suggest cumsluts


Friendship was hard. Especially when you wanted to suck and fuck said friend.

But, like a brave boy, I was resisting all sexual thoughts and simply 'hanging out' with the object of my every want and need.

After a solid hour, I'd finished ranting excitably about the comic Gene gave me and settled for studying one side of his chiseled face. We were sitting on his porch swing, close enough that if I wanted to, I could have leant my head on his shoulder. Or scooted onto his lap. Either one sounded okay with me.

"What are you staring at?" He grumbled, but it was light hearted. I liked to think of him as an old cat that acted like it hated me, when really, it tolerated my presence in very small doses.

God's gift to mankind, was what I thought in answer to his question.

But what I said was, "your ugly face," before sticking my tongue out.

I was a simple boy. I decided I liked something almost overnight, and then I was stuck to it like glue for the rest of my miserable life. If it could happen with Noah (who was far less appealing) then I'd be damned if Eugene wasn't my future husband. Apparently, my priorities were the only straight thing about me.

"Mm," he hummed in amusement, his lips forming an oddly sweet pout as he sipped lemonade. I promptly looked away.

As I was terrible at saying the right thing, I decided to bring up something I'd very likely regret. "Hey... Yua said you were like, bullied or something."

Eugene paused, setting his drink down before scoffing. "Yua also thinks they have psychic abilities, so it's best to ignore literally... everything they say."

I stole his drink, sipping loudly. He watched me with unimpressed eyes, but didn't take it away. "Is it true, though?"

"Lee," he huffed, rolling his eyes as I ignored what my name in his mouth did to me. "It was kindergarten."

"Aw," I pouted. "But I could've protected you."

"Probably. Not only was I one of the few Asian kids in my class, but I very openly hated everyone. Plus, I was actually really scrawny back then." I liked hearing Eugene talk this much. He was sensitive, and sweet, and funny in a way that quietly creeps up on you. And he trusted me enough to be himself, in all of his mysterious and wonderful ways.

I faked a look between shock and disapproval. "I'm outraged. I was expecting you to be a ripped five year old."

He chuckled, his lips curling up in the way I liked. "Sorry to disappoint."

"Don't be," I said, a little too suggestively. "I think you've made up for it." And then I made the horrible, life altering mistake of looking at his biceps. Eugene's gaze followed mine, and then we looked back at each other. His ears turned pink. I went into organ failure.

I can't believe I just inadvertently called him sexy. To his face.

"Oh," said Eugene softly.


"Uh, that didn't mean what it sounded like. I wasn't like, coming onto you, or anything," I laughed nervously. "Dude. Bro. Friend. Budd-"

"Lee." I paused, swallowed, and looked into the intense, dark hue of his eyes as he spoke. "Did you regret it?"

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