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AN- true fact, i would die for the parent trap vineyard house

psssst! smut ahead!

the videos aren't loading for some reason but the songs for this chapter are- open season by high highs, and other side of the world by kt tunstall

The next day, Jace and I were so wrapped up in each other that we barely even noticed our banishment from speaking to the rest of the family, but when we went downstairs the tension was thick enough to cut with a knife. Everyone was in the large kitchen trying to look busy and successfully ignoring each other. So of course, we both decided to make things even more awkward.

"Watch it, dickhead," Jace snapped when I purposefully shoved him in the side.

"I didn't even touch you," I retorted arrogantly, to which he scowled.

"Do you wanna fucking die?"

"Both of you, stop this right now," Darren ordered. Everyone was staring at us at this point. I was pretty sure Lee was recording it for Beth, but I acted oblivious.  "And if you're just gonna bother Noah," he added to his eldest. "You can go straight back to your room."

"Right," Jace sneered sarcastically. "Cause Noah's such a darling angel. Sweet, innocent little Noah who never does anything wrong compared to me, your son."

I gave him a look. Okay, no need to get personal. Jeez.

"Please just stop fighting," Monica sighed.

"Please carry on," Lee grinned, shortly before getting a slap on the back of his head from his withering mother.

"Get over yourself," I muttered in Jace's direction. He clenched his jaw and started towards me, until Darren slammed his fist down on the kitchen island.

"Upstairs. If you're gonna behave like children, I'll treat you like you are. You can come back down when you learn how to be in the same room together." Darren's expression was a mixture of anger and exhaustion, and a pang of guilt tore through me before I watched Jace stalk away furiously. With an apologetic look at Monica, I scurried after him.

As soon as we reached the hallway, Jace grabbed me by the shirt and threw me inside his room. I almost fell until he grabbed my hips and roughly tugged me against him. His tongue was in my mouth before I could react, but I gave in without a second thought. "Damn. You being such a terrible actor is actually a huge turn on," he smirked when he broke the kiss.

I lightly shoved his chest and turned pink when he grabbed my ass. "I was good and you know it. Also, remind me why we just humiliated ourselves?"

He nibbled on my ear and hummed. "You're sexy when you know absolutely nothing about what's going on." I laughed, but he continued. "Because, stupid, if we pull our classic worst enemies shit, they'll eventually get fed up enough to let us out."

"Being grounded isn't that bad. I mean, you have a whole movie theatre in your house. And everyone will be out enjoying summer, so you and me can..."

"Have rough sex on the dinner table?" He asked, feigning innocence with a cock of his head. I blushed and punched his chest again. "Ugh, fine," he sighed. "I'll be gentle."

I couldn't help but giggle before he pulled me in for a much sweeter kiss. It was strange, how casual this had become. If you'd told the Noah of yester-year that I'd one day be hooking up with Jace, I would have called the psych ward.

After breaking away, I dragged him to the bathroom to brush our teeth together. A silent rhythm possessed us. Without even speaking, Jace would put the toothpaste on my brush. We'd wait to spit after the other had finished, and then we'd glance at each other through the mirror in silent amusement at how in sync we were. He only broke the pattern to roughly kiss me on the cheek, purposefully wiping toothpaste all over my clean face. I spat water at him in retaliation, but it mostly ended up dribbling down my shirt. I laughed anyway, because he was laughing, and I couldn't think anything coherent past 'Has he always had such a nice smile?'

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