bonus chapter 02

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AN- fuck all of you for making me wanna write this before i finish bluejay's story lmao

THIS IS THE LAST LEEGENE ONE UNTIL THE END OF THE MAIN BOOK. IM PUTTING MY FOOT DOWN. except i love you and im literally perfect, so here's another one to tide you over ;))))

Eugene, 2 days after the party

"Thank you so much for doing this for me."

"Jace, I'm not doing anything for you."

The idiot called me at 1am- 1am - asking me to go and pick up his drunk brother, 'cause he was apparently 'way too comfy to move'. All I tuned in on was the word 'brother' and realized without a doubt that I was the last person Lee wanted to see.

"What about Enzo?" I grunted.

"Ew. Next."


"Getting laid."


"Definitely not getting laid, but definitely too incompetent to look after a living thing."

I couldn't argue with the gospel. Even if Lee was probably going to hate me forever.

"Fucking fine-"

"I'll text you the address," Jace interrupted, his voice dropping to a whisper. I heard the muffled sound of someone's slow breathing, and I frowned. Jace never stays with his hookups overnight. "You're the bestest best friend-"

"I'll kill you."

"Love you too! Bye," he hissed, hanging up before I could protest.

Well, fuck.


I'd tried to speak with Lee earlier, when I first arrived at the weird ass summer camp I was forced into visiting. While Marcella went off with a spring in her step and a devilish gleam in her eye, I just stood there, watching him with a lump in my throat. Me and Marcy probably looked like hitmen, clad in black and hunting down our victims. But my victim was lounging on a sunlit patch of grass, laughing with his friends and looking to all the world like some kind of angel. Who I'd forever ruined by being an asshole.

I couldn't let him see me. I wouldn't know what to say. Not that I was big on talking anyway; but how do you apologize for ruining someone's life? How do you look into a soul as beautiful as his and not corrupt it?

So, that night, I trekked across the camp to begrudgingly meet my fate. Or my doom.

The sight of a bonfire through the trees drew me into a clearing, where red cups and music and stupid, wasted teenagers did stupid, wasted teenage stuff. Swallowing down the blatant fact that I was superior to every single person there, I pushed forward to find a head of loose, brown curls. Desperately, I avoided the memory of how it had felt to have my hand tangled in them.

Right on cue, I found him. With his head resting on a wooden picnic table, Lee Jackson was very, undeniably, drunk.

I stood awkwardly over him, not knowing what to do. "Lee," I said dumbly, my voice gruff.

He groaned, dribbling slightly. "God?"

Idiot, I thought to myself as I looped an arm around his body and pulled him up. Adorable, but still an idiot.

After getting him to trip over the bench and into my arms, Lee groggily opened his eyelids and narrowed them at me. "You... why are you here?" Weakly trying to fight me off even though I was carrying his entire body weight, he called out towards the hoards of drunk kids. "Befany! Noooah! I'm being-" hiccup,"-abducted..."

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