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pale blue eyes- the velvet underground

AN- ps, switching povs in this chapter- sorry if you dont like that, im doing it anyway xo

also smut ahead, and yes it's longer than last time @dinonuggets2. whore.


After two hours of hiding away, my nerves had finally calmed. That was all down to the boy who'd followed me the second he saw something was wrong, the boy who'd pulled my fist from the wall and held me in his hands when I was falling apart. For the first time in a long time, I'd been truly scared. I knew coming back to town would be a risk from the start, but I hadn't expected everything to come rushing back so soon. I felt weak and sick, reduced to a child yet again. But being alone with Noah was like hearing your parents tell you there's no monster hiding in the closet. He felt safe, and I felt okay again.

Thankfully, my family understood to never come in my room when I was in a bad mood (which according to my brat of a younger brother was always) so during the old people party, we isolated ourselves in my bed. The only strange thing was Noah. He'd luckily stopped bugging me about why I'd freaked out, but he was acting weird. Before, we'd kissed and even hugged which honestly felt more comforting than sex with random girls ever did, (fucking hell, he's making me soft) but after, he not only opted to shower separately like a sick and twisted sociopath, but he moved to the opposite end of my mattress to scroll through his phone and pretend to be busy. The problem was that the opposite end of my mattress wasn't my lap, and I hadn't squeezed his ass in over two hours. Things were getting bleak.

"Hey shithead," I called, annoyed at the lack of attention I was receiving. He gave me an unimpressed stare, and I sighed. "Sorry, old habits die hard. Pretty and smart shithead who I care about and respect."

Noah exhaled with a small laugh, but his shoulders were still tense when he looked at me. "What's up?" What's up? No sarcastic insult? Maybe he's still being sensitive 'cause of earlier. That must be it.

"Go put on some pajamas. Then you can sleep here," I said, patting the pillow next to me.

Something strange flickered across his perfect face before he forced a smile. "Right. One sec." He disappeared through the en suite door, and I frowned. I almost missed him when he was annoying me. At least then, his smile reached his eyes.


"Act normal," I smiled manically at my reflection. "Everything is fine."

Who was I kidding? Everything was very fucking horrible.

I just realised I not only had the hots for my best friend's off limits older brother, but I also had a monstrous-whopping-20-inch-dick kinda crush on him too. And all of a sudden, I wasn't the only thing that was hard. My situation was literally impossible. We were trying to be friends. Me falling for a straight guy was not part of the plan. Granted, we were the kind of friends who liked to give each other hickeys, but I wasn't one to question fate.

Be a seductress, I told myself. Cover it all up with make out sessions and blowjobs, and he'll be none the wiser.

In the spirit of following that mantra, I sauntered back into his bedroom with every intention of reminding him just how strictly sexual we were. Well, until he snorted with laughter.

"What the fuck is that?" Jace spluttered, pointing at my shirt, which was the only thing I wore above my boxers.

"Cella gave it to me," I replied proudly, lifting my chin up at him in contempt. I placed a hand on my hip and posed like a model to showcase the oversized black tee I was wearing that was emblazoned with the hot pink words, 'I know I'm perfect, stop staring!' "She thought it would suit me. What do you think? Despite what this shirt says, don't hold back on the compliments. I know how fuckable I am, but you can still tell me."

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