epilogue/bluejay drabble

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AN- after months of curling up in a ball in my room muttering bts under my breath like a witches curse, i finally decided to grace you all with some writing !!!! which was hard considering all good writers like staring at empty documents instead of actually doing anything :D lol anyway i have a few things to say first so bear with me ..

cw- a few mentions of the gross abusers bc we gotta get some closure :d (btw i have no idea how court cases work i didn't know wtf to do so pls spare me) but there'll b nothing detailed abt them, some v light drug use at a party , and sexual content (wbk), also jace says cunt LOL but its such a bluejay insult i couldn't hold back any more </3 sorry if u hate that word but its my bri ish birthright thank yew for ur consideration

the rest of the gang make an appearance butttt the scenes are limited :( ahhhh i wrote so many fluff scenes and then had barely any energy for anything else so pls forgive me .. also this is kinda just a drabble so some of the scenes r random and dont really lead on from each other? if that makes sense? idk this is purely comfort fyi

btw jace also plays an original song in this chapter but like u can just imagine whatever soft romantic song u want <3 like it's really hard to describe music in a book sjsfksj so i kinda just wrote noahs feelings towards hearing it? idk just imagine whatever lol (although i personally feel inspired listening to elliots song, the original acoustic one by dominic fike cause its so pretty)

im rambling but i cant wait to release this to cement the legacy of tuib because ive been thinking about things feotus author me included in the main story and omg.. i cant stop cringingggg i wanna rewrite it all bc im so self critical of my own work ahhhh >.< anyway im especially appreciative of u guys bc some of that shit past-me wrote is cRAZY skdhkjsh so thank u for all the support !!!! lastly HAPPY PRIDE MONTH WOOOO & thank u all for 1m <3 ur all angels and i couldn't b more grateful ;~; hope u like this babiessss bc i like YOU ;* mwah


I'd lost count of the amount of times Noah had played Welcome to New York, but I forgave him. Although, Noah could murder someone and I would forgive him, so to be honest, it wasn't saying much.

Plus, I might've been dating the most irritating tourist in the world. Showing him Times Square was a mistake, because taking Noah anywhere pretty was like showing a toddler too many bright colors. Everything he saw was apparently fascinating, and I would've gotten sick of dragging him away from store windows and shiny things if he wasn't so fucking cute. Anyone else would've been abandoned hours ago. If he was Lee, I would've pushed him into oncoming traffic very quickly. But Noah was Noah, and I was in love, and listening to him excitedly babble about all the movie locations he recognized was something I'd never tire of. He didn't even notice that New York wasn't like the movies, and that the rat on the subway wasn't actually a 'sweet little mouse', and that every stranger surprisingly didn't want to be his friend. He'd come out of his shell so much, and I was so proud, and very much a lovesick idiot. What happened to me? I thought to myself, after taking pictures of Noah eating the most disgusting hot dog I'd ever seen as if he was a piece of art hanging in the Louvre. I used to have prospects. I used to have dignity. But then the light would catch the soft lines of his face, and the entire city would blur into the background. Everything but him was white noise and static. He was real, and beautiful, and a force of fucking nature, and I was sinking deeper into his heart every time he smiled at me.

In other words, I was down horrendously fucking bad.

I was almost grateful for our apartment, and the reality check it backhanded across my face.

"I love it. It's perfect. OhmigodJaceWeLiveHere-"

Noah continued to rattle on for another five minutes- he actually said the words home sweet home and I almost broke up with him right then and there- whilst I stood shell shocked in the doorway. After walking up four sets of stairs, by the way. I was on the verge of throwing myself back down them.

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