AN- thank you

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so, we still have more chapters of leegene's story and bluejay's cute lil future (i hate the rich but i'll let them have domestic bliss in their ridiculously expensive brownstone bc they're them) BUT that was kinda the last proper (?) chapter, and i'm honestly.... speechless. *proceeds to give a long speech*

i love you guys so so much. you mean the fucking world to me and i can't tell you enough how thankful i am, especially to those who have been here from the start, patiently (or not so patiently lol) waiting for updates

it's funny, because when i started this, it was literally a whim. i can barely even remember the details because i didnt think i'd even get through a single CHAPTER, let alone a whole book. a very vague idea of two characters has developed into a story i care so deeply about and will cherish forever, and it means so much that it's a part of you guys too. i never expected the love you've all given me and the kind words i've received, so this has truly become a comfort and solace for me even when things were at their worst in my life. i sound like a broken record but i really do love you all. i'm bloody awful at checking dms, but if you ever want to talk, i genuinely enjoy hearing from you guys (ur all hilarious btw) and promise to get back to you at some point when im not pretending i dont exist x

fuck. i feel like i had so much planned to say lol and now i'm at a loss for words (calm down bella this isn't the oscars) but really, i have to thank noah and jace huh? they've brought us all together, even though most of us live on opposite sides of the world. there's something very lovely about that i think

i feel so proud of them? like, even the little things show how far they've come- jace and his family bonding, noah finally calling somewhere home, jace thinking about rejoining a basketball team despite what he went through, even the fact that they sleep through the night now because they have each other :') love can be so beautiful. you know, i'm always saying people are awful and the world is doomed, but there's so much good. there's boys sharing oranges and toothpaste kisses and initials engraved into trees. we're gonna find love like that, all of us. things are gonna be okay someday <3

p.s! when i edit the start of this book (the bitch needs it) im thinking of getting this published! (if it's something you guys would be interested in actually buying lol, let me know if im delusional) and p.s part 2, there's also more books from me to come, so dry your tears wimps! i'll be back hehe but that's it i guess! i love you all for the millionth time. thank you for having me :')

always yours, arabella <3

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