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cardigan- taylor swift

and they were roommates

AN- this chapter is dedicated to averagedumblonde for commenting 'imagine if they were taking them to a conversion camp'... please get help bitch, we are begging you <3

When Helena said we would have privacy, she wasn't joking. I could almost hear God laughing at my luck as we found ourselves at the only cabin that wasn't surrounded by others, but instead was hidden away further into the redwood trees. The sun illuminated our home for the week, and I tried not to think about being Jace's roommate. Instead, I focused on the fact that we at least wouldn't have to share a bed.

It turned out as we opened the door that I was wrong.

The room was actually a good size, and was decorated in a way that surprisingly didn't make me want to throw up. The only problem was the double bed in the middle of the room.

Neither of us moved for a second, both trying to figure out what to do until Jace made a sound of annoyance and threw himself onto the duvet. "This sucks, but the bed's comfy. So it's mine now."

"Great. I'll just sleep in the woods, then."

"Weird, but you do you," he said, yawning and closing his eyes. It was 2pm.

My glare softened as he started to sleep. His chest rose and fell evenly, and I found myself hopelessly smiling. I only snapped out of it and shook my head when I remembered that I was meant to hate him. And that after last night, us sharing a room was definitely not going to be good for that sick feeling in my stomach that I was trying to shove as far down as I possibly could. 

I left to see my friends, who were outraged at our separation. Pacey claimed it was abuse to leave me alone with Jace. Beth just laughed and said 'yeah, that's one word for it', and then ominously walked away. I didn't have time to figure out the ways of girls though. The only thing on my mind that evening as I walked back to the cabin was that I really was going to be alone with him. The boy who made me angry, and confused, and shake with pleasure. Me and him. For days on end. I didn't know which way to run- to the door, or into his arms. Somewhere in between, I made a choice.

"Jace," I whispered, cautiously prodding his cheek after I'd gotten ready for bed. "Wake up. Where am I meant to sleep?"

He groaned and pushed my hand away before rolling onto his back, eyes still closed. "Go away. Or don't. I don't fucking care. Just," he said, blindly fumbling to put a finger across my lips. "Shhh."

I huffed in annoyance and yanked one of four pillows from under his head (much to his irritation), before settling down on the floor a few feet away from him. I didn't mind not getting a bed. As unnerving as he was, at least I wasn't alone; I just hoped that I didn't wake up screaming. I pushed my cold hands further into my favourite black hoodie in an attempt to find comfort even with my back against the wood, and I was about to try and sleep before I heard a groan. "You can't sleep on the floor," came a deep and bleary voice.

I rolled my eyes, even though he couldn't see. "Well, one of us has to. I'm not sleeping next to you."

He scoffed. "You're so stubborn sometimes, Quinn."

I turned to frown at him as I sat up. "Am not."

"Are too."

"I could sleep with- next to you, but honestly, the floor sounds better."

He paused. "But you can't know for sure if you don't try out the bed, first. I guess you have no choice."

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