43. Yes or No!?

487 69 340

~ There is no force more powerful than a woman determined to Rise.


As the day before yersterday was Zameer's birthday, I began getting ready to leave to his place. Mom had packed one of her famous chocolate mousse pudding and told me to give it to Zameer and his family. It wasn't a gift, just food. Not like I would ever buy him a gift. Ever.

Ever since we met, we had not exchanged gifts on the exact date of our birthdays, it was always a day after or never. Because I didn't want to celebrate birthdays, according to the teachings of Islam.

When we were young, we used to shop together and buy something the two of us like. Growing up, we had changed in many ways. It felt awkward to even buy a gift.

When I was seventeen, I had received two books from my relative, who had said that she didn't have anyone else to give it to. I gladly accepted. It was later I had realized that the book was actually for a married couple. One was on Responsibilities of a good husband while the other on Responsibilities of a good wife. The poor woman couldn't read english and hence didn't even know about it.

I thought of pranking Zameer on his seventeenth birthday and give him the "good husband" book, but instead I mistakenly had wrapped the book which was on How to be a great wife. One of the most awkward moments in my life. Not just Zameer, but I as well had been shocked to my core. To sum it up, he had opened the gift in front of our families, but thankfully before they could see it, Zameer had snatched it away.

From then till now we'd never exchanged gifts. Least of all mention the word gift. We hadn't spoken to each other for a month after that unfortunate incident and never brought it up either.

Several weeks after that incident, when Zameer had came to my house, I saw him sneaking through the pages of the book How to be a great husband. And not to forget, I saw him turning a deep shade of red.

I quietly left from there, not daring to say a single word to him, because I too had sneakily read all it's contents and flushed red with embarassment. It had been alot more awkward to read the book Responsibilities of a good wife. I was sure Zameer had read it as well, as I had seen it hidden well under his pillow.

Neither of us ever questioned each other about it.


At Zameer's house, all I've been doing is listening to Zameer's so-called adventures.

Exaggeration is his hobby. So I just let him rant till he couldn't anymore.

"You know what!?" Zameer exclaimed.

"What?" I asked, bored.

"I am starting work from tomorrow. From nine to two at my office, then four to seven at that shop, finally I would come home and sleep at eight. Isn't it wonderful!?"

"Wonderful," I replied plainly.

"I know right!" Zameer kept on ranting. "You don't know the feeling. It's actually a big honour. In the morning I would--"

"Yes. Yes. It's amazing. Wonderful. Unbelievable. Sweet. Awesome."

"Get lost," Zameer responded offended. "I'm going to watch the match."

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