18. Alive or Dead?

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~The world is full of beautiful places, let your heart be one of them.


I blinked.

Where am I?

My head is spinning and my eyes are too heavy.

Uh..am I dead?

'Ya Allah! I know I've done bad stuff, but please forgive me, you know I can't bear pain. My lord, make the death easy for me,' I kept muttering under my breath.

I remember a light coming toward us. Us? Where are others? Oh! I think they survived and I didn't. What'll happen now?

I am scared. Ya Allah help me!

I think I am crying.

"Hey, you're okay.. it'll be okay."

I heard a voice. Calm. Peace. I felt content.

"Beautiful," I murmured smiling.

My eyes slowly fluttered opening again. Everything seemed kind of blury. There were some males. But why are they looking at me like that?

Nothing hurts though. Am I dead or not? Wait, no! I think I am kidnapped. Yes! This was the same thing which happened in that book. These men are planning of doing something to me. Ya Allah, death is better for me than this. I panicked. My hand thrusting here and there.

Lemme go!

"She's awake!"


"Stop it!"

"I think she's having an attack."

Attack? What does that mean? Heart attack! That's why I find it hard to breathe. It really is time to go.

"Allah Hafiz," I muttered closing my eyes.


"You're not funny at all!" Zehra screamed at Humaira.

"So!? If you don't like 'em get the heck out of here!"

"You get outta here. You're so annoying, stupid!"

"So are you, gorilla!"

"You just agreed you are stupid haha!"

"Well, you agreed you're a gorilla!"

"Shut up!!!" I screamed and pushed both of them out of my bed.

Currently, I am trying to sleep. I had come home from the hospital two days back. I thought I was dead, but huh thankfully, I was just in shock. The car hadn't actually hit ours. In the last moment, the driver had turned the wheel, but the four of us had passed out, due to shock. My head had banged the car window resulting in a small concussion.

No one had seen what exactly happened. I was told Bushra's driver had been practically crying, that the whole neighbourhood thought that we've died and rushed us to the hospital.

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