12. A new revelation

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~You taught me how to be alone, and I learned my lesson in your absence.


My neck ached and my hands felt numb. A whimper left my lips. Urgh..the aftermath of sleeping on a desk.

I stood up, my head spinning, my legs swaying and all I could see was black. I rubbed my eyes and noticed that the time was 6 pm. After staring blankly at the wall for about 15 minutes, I performed ablution, prayed and recited the Qur'an for about an hour, then gathering my courage, went downstairs quietly.

Uncle and Ammar were nowhere to be seen, while aunt was staring into space and as she realized I was there, she quickly straightened up and said, "Your brother's wedding is in a week, so if you need anything.."

I interrupted her and said sharply, "First, he isn't my brother and second I don't need anything, thank you, you don't have to act like you care!"

She looked at me suprised and as soon as I said that I felt guilty, but shrugged it off.

After a lonely dinner, I was stopped by Ammar on the way to my room. I glared at him and made my way to the room.

"Listen Amyrah, this is important," he came to my room and sat on the bed with a sigh while I fumed with anger, how dare he? I wanted to scream, but took a deep breath and stood at the far end of the door. He had a hurtful expression on his face. Clearing his throat, he spoke softly, recalling the past.

"After your mom passed away, your dad brought you here. I still remember the day you came, wrapped in a baby pink blanket. I was very excited that day. I never had a sibling, unlike my friends. You were the epitome of cuteness, with bubbly cheeks and huge eyes. I used to play, read and sing lullabies to you. I am your brother and nothing can change that."

I looked down at my hands. He is my brother, but not in the Islamic way, because he isn't my mahram! As if on cue he said,

"I remember vaguely, but I saw your dad begging my mom, about what, I didn't know. After a few days I heard that mom agreed. Later on I got to know that she agreed to feed you till you were a year old. That's how they become your half parents while I, your half brother.

She fed you just a few months after she had a miscarriage. So she was always in stress and over emotional. A few months later, she refused to feed you any longer, due to arrogance, probably.

After a huge fight, your dad took you away. I think you were only six months old. And then you never came back till you were three, after which for two more years you and your dad lived with us, then suddenly your father left, leaving you here in our custody. I never understood why he left you alone.

Few months after my mom's miscarriage she was expecting again with Hashma. Dad and mom treated her with so much love, but unfortunately when she was born she had a disease. She was differently abled, she couldn't walk and doctors said she wouldn't live long, as she was a heart patient. Though they still blamed you for her death. I know they did wrong, but forgive them Amyrah, they were just helpless parents."

I sat quietly, consuming everything that he told me. My mind slowly processing all the details. Ammar looked plainly, staring at the wall, while I just stared at him for a long time.

After a few minuites I was still quiet, what can I say? I looked down at my hands feeling numb. And only looked up when I heard a door close, Ammar had left.

I realized that aunty had gone through alot, she was my... I don't know... Ammar my half brother?

After a few minutes I realized that no matter what happened, Ammar was always with me. He was my brother. With a gush of momentum, I ran to my brother's room. I can't blame him for what my aunt and uncle did, right?

I opened the door. He looked shocked. "Hey!" I said cheekily.


I went over to him and said, "Sorry."

"Hm... it's okay," he smiled and pulled my cheeks.

"Ahh!" I glared at him.

"Go away! I am gonna sleep now, I have to enjoy my bachelor days, don't disturb me," he said grinning and laying down on the bed.

"No way! There are so many things I need to tell you!"

"Sorry, don't wanna listen."

"Heh! as if I care. I am going to tell anyway. So yesterday I went for an interview..."

And like that I patched up with my brother. I chatted on non-stop for a few hours telling him about my new job and asking all my doubts about my soon to be sister in law while he just nodded and gave short replies in a sleepy voice.

"I love your wife, bro!"

"I love my wife too..." he muttered sleepily. See he doesn't even know what he's saying. I rolled my eyes at him. And suddenly remembered something,

"Ammar! I have a question. Do you know what happened to my father?"

"Yah...your father...nah! Mom never...said..." he muttered.

I groaned. He's almost asleep.

"I'll talk to you tomorrow then."

"No.... no....talk...ing.."

"If you're not my brother I would have thought you were drunk!"

I playfully slapped him hard and left the room while he giggled.

Aunt hadn't said about my father, not even to Ammar. She never did. Though I wanted to know about him, a part of me dosen't, he left me right? So why should I worry about him?

Because he is your father and you love him!

Yeah, I really do.

I don't even know how he passed away, or is he still living after the accident? Aunt had once said when I was young, that he'll never come back if I asked her where he is, so I never did, being the stupid girl I was.

It was close to midnight, when I heard my phone ring. An unfamiliar number.

"Huh? Who is this?"


●When a child is breastfed by a woman who is not the mother; then the parents, siblings and children of the woman who breastfed becomes the child's half relations; as in mahram to the child.


What do you think of Amyrah and Ammar now?

Hope you liked the double update!

Who do you think is calling?

Au revoir!✌🏻😘

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