60. The Final Promise (1)

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~ She has a galaxy in her eyes, a universe in her mind.

3rd Person's POV

It was time.

He got down from the vehicle, trudging past the green bushes. Not bothering to wait or hear the call of his parents.

The small house was painted in maroon and white. He went close to it, touching the walls with his fingers. His heart went havoc, beating fast with each second, he became frenzy.

Sliding the doors past, he threw away his slippers and flopped onto the dusty couch. He heard his parents yelling after him. He put his head on his lap, and felt his eyes dampen.

He saw red, he felt red.


But why?

Today he felt different.

Different. So very different.

Rumaan walked towards the back door and without a slight sound, he walked away.

Far off.

This time to a different house.



I let out a groan. The morning sun lit up, flashing through our window. Broad daylight welcomed itself seeping into our eyes. In that broad daylight was a sense of serenity, a peace that invited itself into the soul and made itself at home.

Zameer groggily wrapped close his arms around my waist, kicking me in the legs as he stretched lazily. That jerk! With an angry hiss I pushed him away hard, to which he turned the other side and slept.

I yawned as I looked at that time. 1:15.



1.15 am, right? But then why is it so full of light?

"Zameer? Zameer?" I poked him, waking him up in a hushed voice.

"Eh ja fhoo ohji," He mumbled incoherently.

"Zameer, did you on the lights?"


"Oh my Gosh!" It was then realization sank in. "ZAMEER! WAKE UP RIGHT NOW!!!"

"What? Who died!?" Zameer sat up in a haste. "Are you okay!?"

I pointed at the clock. "It's 1.15!!!"

"Oh?" He glared at me.

"I told you to keep the alarm at 9 o'clock!! Why didn't you!?" I glared back.

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