19. A painful moment

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~Don't ruin a good today by thinking about a bad yersterday. Let it go.


Late. Tiring. Looking at the mirror, I sighed, I couldn't sleep a wink last night. Why? Because all I could think was about--

"Aaah!" I heard a scream. Whirling around, I found my sister gaping at me.

"You look ugly!!" She screamed, "What the heck happened to your hair?"

"Mornin' to you too sis," I yawned, warily looking at my 25 year old sister.

And then in came her husband screaming, "Are you okay?" He slowly patted her hand and worriedly asked looking at his pregnant wife, "Why did you scream?"

"I don't feel good hubby," she said batting her eyelashes and pretending to feel sick. "Maybe a cup of coffee and four pieces of chocolate cake would do me good," saying so she rested her head on her husband's arms and winked at me.

Such a bratty woman.

"Of course, I'll quickly bring some for you," he smiled at her.

Oh poor husband.

"You're so sweet."

"So are you, sweetheart."

"Excuse me, my room guys," I muttered covering my ears.

They rolled their eyes at me and closed the door behind them, going hand in hand.

Sometimes I wonder if she's even my real sister. She's loud, outspoken and has a mouth which rarely closes, unlike me. Even my little sister, Shahla is much more talkative than myself. It's not like I don't talk much, it's just my personality changes according to the situations. My sisters are totally a pain, this was one of the reasons I miss Shahid so much. If he was here, we would have had so much fun annoying them together.


I grabbed my medical bag, stuffing all the items in it and walked toward the dining room. Though I am not a neurologist yet, at times I go to hospitals to help dad and become more familiar with different types of patients, so I could be more experienced when I start working full time. My dream is to become a well recognised neurologist, just like dad.

"Assalamu Alaikum, sorry am late, dad."

Dad, mom and Shahla greeted back. "No big deal," dad shrugged.

My family is just as normal as any other families. At times irritating, but mostly they were fun.

Just then my four year old neice, Hania came grumbling, rubbing her eyes, "Baby is sick today."

"Oo..why is my baby sick?" My mom asked.

"Gramma, cos uncle didn't get me ice cream yersterday! And, and, momma saying that baby must go school, but teacher said not to come school if anyone is sick," she angrily pouted.

I stifled a laughter, every morning since she started school, she complains of being sick, so that she could stay home.

Hania looked at her momma faking a few tears, "I feel like..oh...ah...mamma!!" She acted like she's going to vomit and then touched her head, as if she's going to faint.

And like that their drama continued, while dad and I went to the hospital.


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