07. Mysterious letters

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~ Become so confident in who you are that no one's opinion or reflection can rock you.


'I am such a lazy fool,' is my first thought as I wake up in the morning. I had completely forgotten to speak with my friends and to ask Ammar more questions about his going to be wife. I had just slept.

Though it's been two weeks since I came home from boarding school, I had done nothing useful. I've slept more than 12 hours a day. Pathetic me.

I went infront of the mirror and said, "I, Amyrah Rasheed, hereby declares that today will be the day she does something productive. I will achieve all my goals without any delay. And I start my mission this day, this minute, this second, this millisecond, right now!!!!"

"Child! Is something the matter?"

Aunty? Wow...this is the longest she's spoken after I came, but did I scream..oops.

"You there!?" She really is concerned. I am simply overjoyed. I opened the door grinning, "I am just great, just great!" and shut the door in her face. Uh..why did I do that?

It was 7 am. I quickly did my morning rituals and went downstairs happily. I made breakfast for my family. My aunt came after an hour and looked bewildered, but thankfully left without a word.

Finally after 2 hours, I accomplished my goal. I looked proudly at the table I arranged.

It was indeed a feast; a delight for one's eyes. Four soft scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese, four sausage patties flecked with red pepper, two Belgian waffles drizzled with Vermont-fresh maple syrup, oven-fried spicy potatoes laced with onions , and ice cold Florida orange juice. 

I looked at it and sighed dreamily. Though it wasn't anything like I described.. it doesn't hurt to dream, does it?

We all had our meal silently with three pairs of eyes throwing angry glances my way. What did I do? I blinked and looked at them innocently. I saw Ammar nibbling at a piece of waffle but suddenly grabbed my so called ice-cold Florida orange juice, took a gulp and gagged.

"Are you okay? Drink slowly! I know it's really good, but still.." I said proudly.

"You must be kidding me!"he muttered.

The three of them quickly left. No one complimented me.I pouted sadly.

Now that no one was in the house, I started my next goal, which was cleaning the house.

After an hour, everything was done except for aunty's and uncle's room.

I don't know why, but as I stepped in to it, it felt like I am doing something sneaky. The room gave me negative vibes.

I just shrugged and started my cleaning aka snooping. After everything was done, I still felt unsure. I then realized I hadn't checked the cupboard.

I opened it and was shocked to see how messy it was. Opening the drawers, I noticed that there were many books and papers. As I was about to close it, one word caught my attention. "Ishara." Mama?

I was about to read it when I heard some noises. I quickly gathered some of the papers, stuffed them in my dress, which thankfully had a pocket. Shutting the cupboard I ran for dear life.

I ran to my room, kept the papers under my pillows and went downstairs.

I found Ammar in deep thoughts.

"Hey! thinking of your wifey?"

"Hey," he said plainly and went to his room while I followed.

"Someone's in a bad mood," I teased.

"What were you doing?" He questioned.

"Cleaning," I said narrowing my eyes. His eyes flashed angrily.

"Amyrah! Do something useful for once! Will you be roaming around the house all day? Act like a grown up! You can't expect us to do all the work. Haven't you ever thought of helping your family? Can't you see mom and dad are going through a hard time? No, of course not, anyway why should you? They are not your parents right?" he yelled bitterly.

To say I was shocked would be an understatement, I was beyond shocked. This was the first time he used such a tone. Didn't I say that I had been cleaning? I stared at him speechless. What was his problem? How could he..? But deep down, I knew everything he said was right. I looked away.

"I...sorry Amyrah," he muttered.

"Don't be, what you said was indeed correct," I said walking away.

I went back to my room with a heavy heart. I don't know why, but I felt sad hearing him speak in that way.

Sitting cross legged on the bed, I  took out the papers that were hidden beneath my pillows and started reading silently hoping I'd find something interesting.

From : Myself
It was always her. Papa always loved her. He never thought much about me. I hated being the oldest. I was always said to act mature and responsible. I hate it! I hate mama! I hate papa! I hate Ishara! I hate my life! I hate everyone in this stupid world!

I read the first piece of paper. Ishara is mama's name. So then this is aunt's writting? But I never knew she was the oldest! I thought mom was, that's what Ammar had told me. I frowned and continued.

Today I attended a wedding of mama's friend's son. I applied slight makeup and was looking really beautiful, just like mumma, as every one says.

Unlike Ishara who was very slim, too tall for her age and always sick. I love my sister, but sometimes she's just too much. She always steals mama and papa's attention. She's sick so everyone pitied her, she is cheerful so everyone loves her,  she always blabbers non-stop so everyone finds her cute. Even though she is three years younger  to me, she's much more intelligent than me.

Mama always differentiates us.

Papa always loves her more than me.

I hate Ishara, she doesn't know that though.

Today she stole the man of my dreams. I said papa I wanted to marry him two years back, but he told me to wait as I was still young. Today we saw him in the function and he didn't even acknowledge my presence, rather he spoke to Ishara like she was his long lost friend! So for the sake of my sister, I tried forgetting him. I felt heartbroken that no one consoled me, even though papa and mama knew that I liked him. They said simply 'forget him'. My parents never understood me and I think they never will!

I was shocked at what I discovered. I was about to take the next paper, when I heard my phone ringing. I answered it and heard three voices calling my name together.




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Till next time✌🏻😉

Till next time✌🏻😉

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