61. The Final Promise (2)

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~ Someday when the pages of my life end, I know that you will be one of its most beautiful chapters.


The feeling of fear, instilled in my heart, the lapping of breaths coming out heavily beneath gasps of surprise.

I stay frozen in shock.

This Raman-- or whatever the guy's name was practically--- I mean literally--- ACTUALLY--- is right in front of my eyes.

What in the world is happening!?

I step back and he steps forward. Step by step. Seconds tick in.

Is this a freaking movie or what!?

He took huge steps forward lunging towards me, the movement catching me by surprise and I ducked down, running to my right.

I ran.

Screaming like a maniac.

Okay--- I should seriously take a chill. HOW COULD I TAKE A CHILL!? This guy is going to kill me. Oh Allah!

I gathered my nerves and turned towards him. Making my eyes glare at him, I pointed my finger, "HEY, YOU! STOP RIGHT THERE!"

He nodded.

I--- What? He nodded? I nodded back, "Good boy. Now slowly take steps behind."


"Very good, very good," My heart burst with a déjà vu.

Zameer, please come quick! I internally prayed. Ya Allah, please help me get rid of this Raman---uh---

"Hey, what's your name?" I blurted out.



You just guaranteed your death certificate! You stupid hooman!!!

"Amyr..ah..." He slurred out.

Oh my Allah.

Where's my phone!? I hysterically looked all over, then remembered that it was in our room.

I ran. He followed me nonchalantly.

I run pathetically into our room and grabbed the phone, dialling Zameer's number.

Zameer's phone rang. And I heard the ringing. I heard it--- which means--- oh nooo!!! Zameer's phone was in our room! He hadn't taken it! Oh Allah!!

I hear a noise and gasped in horror.



I cringed at his stare and stepped backwards, unlocking the door and ran out.

Wow. Who knew one day I'd have to run from an actual serial killer? Then I'd have focused more on my PE classes. Urgh.

I run to the gate and open it wide so he'll have a clue that now it's time for him to get lost for good.

The Promises Unfulfilled✅Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang