9. Asked To The Dance

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-Teddy's Point of View-

It has been a few days since Max told me he couldn't love. My dad has still not called me back and I'm really stressed.

Phoebe walks into her room while I was laying on her bed thinking about Max.

"Breakfast is ready", Phoebe said smiling.

I gave her a fake smile becayse I haven't been happy at all these past few days. "Thanks."

I get up and walk downstairs with Pheobe. We sit down and Mrs. Thunderman brings us some pancakes.

"Thanks mom", Phoebe said.

"You're welcome girls", she says smiling.

As we eat our pancakes, I hear Max in his lair.

"I can't tell her Colloso!" Max yells.

"Why not?", Colloso says.

"You can't just tell someone that you love them when they don't love you back!" I then hear crying.

I get up from the table. "I'll be back in a sec", I say to Phoebe. She nods. Instead of taking the slide I walk down the stairs. I see Max on his bed crying.

"Max?" I say, "are you alright?"

Max turns around and looks at me. "Do I look alright to you?" His eyes were red, his face looked burning red, and wet from tears.

"No." I walk over to him. I sit on his bed. "Max can I tell you something?"

He sits up properly and looks at me with his red eyes. "What?"

"I...I really like you", I say. His eyes widen.

"You hear that buddy? You should've listened to me", Colloso said.

"What?" Max says again.

"I heard you talking from upstairs. I wanted to tell you how I really feel", I smile.

"How?" Mac asks stupidly.

I point to my ears. "Superhearing."

"Oh...right, I forgot", Max looks down at the ground.

"So why are you crying. I thought that villains never cry."

"You", Max says, "I didn't know I felt this way." He rubs his eyes.

I gave him a hug and kissed his cheek gently.

"What was that for?"

"I'm sorry Max that I made you feel that way. I didn't know I was so loved." Max laughs a little.

I leaned in and kissed him. "Can you guys get a room?" Dr. Colloso asked us.

Max pulled away for a second. "This is my room Colloso. How about you get a room?"

Colloso turns away and looks the other direction. I laugh at Max's little joke and he starts kissing me again.


-Max's Point of View-

She liked me. She kissed me. Teddy went back upstairs and I did jumped onto my bed. "YES!"

Then I remembered that she could hear everything I say. I get off my bed and throw on a brick red shirt and black jeans. I throw on my black hightops and walk upstairs with a smile on my face.

I see my family (and Teddy) sitting on the couch watching some show I didn't know. I walked over to the kitchen and grabbed myself a serving of food. I turned around and saw Teddy right in front of me, making me almost drop my food.

"What the hell Teddy?" I said.

"Sorry Max", Teddy said giggling. I quickly forgave her.

"It's fine, just worn me next time you plan on jumping in front of me." Teddy nods.

"So the school's dance is next Friday and wanted to know if we could go together", Teddy smiled.

"You're asking me to the dance? That's no traditional", I said.

"Well, I don't care, I just want to go with you."

"That sounds amazing Teddy", I smile.

She then kisses my cheek and walks upstairs. I walk back to my lair and talk to Colloso.

-Teddy's Point of View-

"So guess what?" I said to Phoebe as I entered her room.
She gets up from her laying down position and sits up. "What?"
"I asked Max to next Friday's dance!" I say smiling.
"That's great Teddy. I will only let you go under one condition", she smirks at me as I raise an eyebrow. "You have to let me help you get a dress!"
She jumps off of her bed smiling.
"Well of course you can help!" I yell.

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