26. Ava

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"So, what's happened since I've been in a coma?" I ask my mom as we talked by ourselves in the room I was staying in.

"Well, Billy is in high school now and Nora's in middle school. Phoebe started going to MIT but she came back to for a while to see you wake up", mom says.

"Phoebe got into MIT?!"

"Yeah, she is doing really well there."

"It's really nice to see that you guys have been successful since I've been gone. It sucks that I missed so much."

I see that mom starts to tear up. "I-I came to see you every day. I talked to you every day. I kissed your forehead every day. Max, we really missed you. I'm really glad you're back."

"Thanks mom", I say as I pull her into a hug.

"I'm sorry about Teddy."

"It's fine...she'll be fine...I'll be fine."


-Three Years Later-

It's been three years since I woke up from my coma.


Well, she's still in her coma. The doctor's estimation was wrong. I visit her as much as I can. I started to attend Villain University a little after I was fully recovered. I graduated last month.

I'm now twenty-one and I live on my own back in Metroburg in a hidden lair underground with Dr. Colosso. I know, I know. Everyone thought it was just a faze, but nope, I'm a full-fledge villain. I'm really good a being a villain too, I just don't hurt the ones I love like Phoebe, mom, Billy and Nora.

So, moving on to what's happened to me since I woke from my coma and three years passed...I met a girl. I know what you're going to say:

"MAX! How could you?! You love Teddy?!"

I do love Teddy, but she was supposed to wake up two years ago, and I didn't think I could wait any longer for her. If we were really meant to be, she would've woken up. I also know what else you are thinking:

"Why couldn't you wake her up yourself with some kind of invention?"

See, it doesn't work like that. I could've hurt her even more if I tried waking her myself. I didn't want to do that, I just had to wait and it took too long.

SO ANYWAY, my new girlfriends name is Ava. She's one of the nicest people I know. She's also my sidekick. I love how we work out.

Why don't we get to present life now, huh? Okay!


I wake up as my alarm clock made its normal evil laugh noise. I get up, completely naked and walk over to the window to look out. I hear Ava behind me also wake up and sit up. I turn around and she her looking at me.

"Why are you so beautiful?" I ask her.

"Why are you so handsome?" Ava asks me.

I chuckle and jump onto the bed. I land on top of her and kiss the crap out of her. As I kiss her neck and shoulders she lets out a soft moan. We did this every morning.

I get up after a few minutes and go to the bathroom and turn on the shower. I turn it on and hear Ava in the other room.

"Why didn't you invite me?"

"I was going too..." I say and walk back to the bedroom. My bedroom was big. It had dark red wall, a black carpet, a dark red bed and two dressers. I go to Ava and lift her in my arms and wrap her legs around my waist. She kisses my neck as I walk back to the bathroom and let her down in the shower.

We both get into the shower and we each clean each other...

After the shower we get out and when we are slightly dry we get dressed. Ava gets dressed into a black long sleeve dress. The sleeves were lace and so was the back. I changed into a grey button up, black vest, and black jeans. I've been dressing the same since I was 14.

"So what do you plan to do today", Ava asks me.

"I was going to go out to lunch with my mom and fly over to Mass to see my sister", I reply.

"Aw...how cute", Ava says smirking.

"Hey, that's my smirk. Stop", I laugh and grab onto Ava bringing her into a kiss. I break the kiss and smirk at her. "See...mine!"

"I can't smirk?"

"No, you can smile. The smirk is mine."

"Whatever Max."

"Anyway, I got to go. Bye babe", I say and walk out of my bedroom, then out of the house, and get into my black Dodge Charger.

I drive mom's house and knock on the door. She opens it and smiles at me. "There's my baby", she says pulling me into a hug.

"Hi mom", I say hugging her back. "Are you ready to go to lunch?"

"Yeah, Nora's at school at the moment."

"I still can't believe she's almost done with high school", I laugh.

"I still can't believe that you're one of the most famous villains ever known", my mom says laughing.

"Well Phoebe, my SISTER, is one of the most famous superheroes ever known. OH and Billy is in COLLEGE!"

Mom laughs at my joke. "Yeah; come on, let's go to lunch."

I nod and we both get into my car. We drive to Wong's Pizza Palace which was passed down to Mrs. Wong's niece.

Mom and I get a pizza as we make small talk. "So, what else do you have planned today?"

"I wanted to go see Phoebe in Mass, see what she's been up too", I say.

"That's nice", mom says, "How's Ava?"

"She's good. Well, I should say evil."

My mom chuckles as my phone buzzes. I take it out of my pocket and see that the Metroburg hospital is calling me.

"One second mom", I say clicking answer and put the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

"Mr. Thunderman?" someone says.

"Yes? Why are you calling?"

"It's about Teddy...she's awake."

A/N***WHAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTT!!! I just have to say is that this is one of my favorite chapters in this book and it was so much fun to run. Comment your thoughts because I love to read them! I have been on a role with updating my stories this week. :) Don't forget to vote!

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