3. Adopted

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I was afraid of going to school the next day. I didn't want to face Max and Pheobe. But I had to go.

I slid my way out of bed and grabbed an outfit out with my telekinesis. I picked out my spiderman sweater and black leggings. I brushed out the knots in my hair, and let it lay naturally on my head.

I walked downstairs and made myself some cereal. While I shoved a spoonful of cereal into my mouth, my phone buzzed.

Max - Teddy? I just wanted to say sorry again. Talk to me at school. O.K? -

I didn't know how to respond so I didn't. I just finished my cereal and was out the door.

When I got to school I saw Max standing by my locker. When I notice Max standing there, I turn around and just head for class.

"Teddy wait!" Max yelled over to me, I decided to stop.

"What Max?" I say, a little tired.

"Why won't you talk to me?" Max frowned, "Why are you so mad?"

"I don't know...I'm just tired Max, can we talk later?" I yawn.

"You know you're beautiful when you yawn", Max smiles, I slightly smile and blush, but instantly I turn my smile back into a frown.

"I got to go to class, Max", I say, "Later...please." Max nods and I walk away.

The first bell rang, and Pheobe walked in. And of course she decided to sit next to me.

"Teddy, are you alright?" She asks me. I got frustrated.

"I'd be better if you guys stopped asking me that", I say.

"I'm sorry Teddy. We were just curious about how you have powers and your parents don't", Pheobe says, "It's kind of impossible."

I chuckle, "Yet its possible for us to move stuff with our minds and have heat and ice come out our mouths", I fake a smile.

"Teddy, you just have to listen to us, at least meet our parents. They could help you figure this out."

"I don't know yet Pheobe, maybe sometime."

It was lunch now and I was standing by my locker talking to Cherry. I closed my locker and jumped at the sight of Max.

"Max!" I yell.

"Hey Teddy..." Max smiles.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"To talk to you", Cherry interrupts.

"Please Teddy..."

"Max..." I begin, but don't finish.

"Talk to him Teddy, I'll hang with Pheobe", Cherry smiles and walks away.

When Cherry was out of sight I looked at Max. "So..."

"Teddy just listen", Max says, "Tonight comeover my house and talk to my parents."

"I don't know Max", I say lightly.

"Come on Teddy, I don't know why you are acting like this. We never did anything wrong", Max says, "How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?"

I went in and kissed him, "zero", I smile and he smiles back. "Your house tonight okay?"

"Thank you Teddy", Max says a little loud and walks away.

I was walking to Max's house and could hear an older man and woman fighting. When I got to the door I heard the alarm go off. Then the door open.

"Teddy!" Max yells, "you came."

"Max...who is this?" The older woman said.

"Mom, dad, this is Teddy", Max smiles and I smile too.

"You know the number one rule of this house right?" The dad said.

"Yes, but thats the thing", Max says.

"What's the thing?" They both asked.

"She has SUPERPOWERS!" Max jumps in excitement.

"WHAT?!" The mom and dad yelled.

"Yeah, Teddy has powers", Pheobe said walking down the stairs.

"That's impossible", the mom said.

"But it is", I said. I don't think Max and Pheobe's parents like me.

"What about your parents?" The dad asked.

"I'm the only one in my family", I say, "Out of my mom and little sister."

"But, that's not possible", the mom says.

"But it is possible...I'm proof", my heart began to beat like a drum.

"I'm so sorry", Max's mom says, "We can help you though Teddy."

"M-maybe another time." I couldn't be here right now, so I decided to run out of Max's house...again. But I couldn't bare that I might be...adopted. I ran and ran, tears falling from my eyes, my eyes probably red.

I saw my mom and little sister sitting on the couch while I ran. My mom turned her head towards me.

"Teddy?" My mom yelled. With my super hearing I heard as she got up from the couch and walked up into my bedroom. "What happened?" She asked so innocent. I turn to her. Her face shocked at my face, wet and red. She ran over to me, and sat onto my bed. "Oh, my god Teddy, what's wrong?"

"Are...are you my mother?" I ask, her expression sunk. It was true, I was adopted. No wonder why I was the only superhero in my family.

"Teddy, of course I'm your mother. Why would you ever-" She stopped speaking.

"Get-OUT!" I yell.

"Teddy", her eyes filled up, about to burst into tears, "I-I would of told you sooner, I just didn't know how."

"Get-OUT!" I yell again, still crying. My mother walked out of my room crying, I grabbed my phone and texted Max.

Teddy: Max???

Max: Teddy, are you O.K.?

Teddy: No...

Max: You're welcome to comeover, you can sleep in Pheobe's room.

Teddy: I think that's a good idea, I'll be there in 10?

Max: Any time, you can come. I'll be here.

He texts me again.

Max: For you.

I wipe my tears away and pack a pair of pajamas and an outfit for the next day. If I needed anything else, I can come back, grab it, and go.

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