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After she had been sitting by the table for a while Wanda came in.

"Let me show you your room." She said without any smile. [Y/n] stood up and followed her. Wanda let her into a little room with a bed and a wardrobe.

"Thanks," she said before she left the room. She sat down on the bed, looking at the wall. She needed to win their trust. And soon.


The following days went by and the team acted like she wasn't even there. She found her job harder than she imagined. Natasha didn't even talk to her. She got a smile from Rhodes and Sam from time to time, but she wasn't included in anything. She did her thing, and they did theirs.

She trained a lot, and this day was no exception. She walked into the training room and saw Steve punching the punching bag. She hesitated and didn't know if she should walk in or walk away. When she was just about to turn around, Steve stopped and looked at her.

"I am almost done. You can just go ahead." There wasn't any kindness in his voice, but she still chooses to go inside. She walked to the treadmill and put her water bottle on the floor beside it.

"Do you like being here?" Steve suddenly asked. She looked at him with a confused face and he smirked at her.

"Well besides from the fact that no one talks to me?" She said and raised an eyebrow, "I find it quite charming." She smiled at Steve, wondering if he had been cooling of long enough to let her in.

"The people or the place?" He asked and smirked again. She looked him up and down, wondering what he was thinking.

"The place." She said fast. "The people will probably grow on me eventually." She returned his smirk. He didn't say anything. Just looked at her. She got a little uncomfortable and started to bite her lip.

She looked at him closely for the first time. He was a good-looking man. Handsome even. Charming.

"Look," she said, "I know you don't like me being here, but we have to work together or else they will just replace me." Rogers looked at her, thinking.

"I think we can work together. Don't wont them go around sending different people to our base." He smirked again before walking out of the room, leaving [y/n] confused. Was he being friendly? Or didn't he want them to replace her? Her thoughts kept going while she did her work out.


She walked into the meeting room. Everyone was sitting around the table. She sat down on the empty chair, which wasn't near the table, but more near the door. Stark looked at her before he began speaking.

"Thor is coming down." He said. She looked at the team around the table, trying to read their reaction. Most of them looked happy.

[Y/n] was exited to meet Thor. She had read a lot about him.

"There is some bad news." Rogers stood up from his chair, making everyone look at him. "He is bringing Loki." Natasha looked shocked. Wanda and Vision looked around the table. They never met Loki.

"Why is he bringing him?" Natasha asked. She sounded furious. [Y/n] tried to look at the whole team at the same time. She was trying to read their reactions to the news, trying to get to know them a little bit better.

"Apparently he couldn't leave him in Asgard." Rogers answered and sat down again. Just as he sat down [y/n] felt his eyes on her. She looked over but he was already focusing on Tony.

"It will be fine. He won't do any harm." Tony insured everybody. They all looked at each other and suddenly Natasha looked right over at [y/n].

"I'm sure you read about Loki?" She asked sharp. [Y/n] nodded and Natasha smirked, but it wasn't a kind smirk. "He is nothing like what you read. He is a master of trick, and he can go inside your brain, making you do stuff you don't want to. This isn't a job for a rookie." She looked around and [y/n] took a deep breath.

"Listen Romanoff, I am not a rookie. You may see me like one, but I have had this job for a long time, so I think I can handle this one too." Natasha looked at her and rose an eyebrow.

"A long time? You are like 12 years old. I have been shooting at people since before you were born." Natasha stood up from her chair and walked towards [y/n]. She stood up too, facing Natasha. They were almost the same height.

"Just to be clear." [Y/n] said, "we are the same age." Natasha took another step towards [y/n], leaving a little space between the two. [Y/n] felt like it was getting harder to breathe but she didn't want Natasha to know. She just stared at her and Natasha staring back.

"Enough!" Tony's voice was hard and loud, and Natasha took a step back and turned around towards him. "[Y/n] is here to help us so this fighting isn't doing anything good." Natasha sighed and walked out the room.

"But that doesn't mean she isn't right." Clint was the next to say anything. "Loki is smart. We dealt with him before, she hasn't." He was clearly taking Natasha's side in this one.

"Neither have we, but that doesn't mean we don't have the right to stay here." Wanda stood up and looked directly at Clint. "I am sure we can handle it." She looked at [y/n], smiling, before she left the room. Vision followed her.

"Fine." Clint stood up. "But don't blame me when she ends up dead." He looked one last time at her before he left the room.

"Was that everything?" Sam asked. Tony nodded and left the room with the rest of the team. Steve stopped at the door and looked at [y/n].

"You are going to be alright." He said with a smile, before he followed the rest of the team.

She was, once again, left alone. She felt like she could breathe for the first time, since she entered the room. She sat down on the chair, with her hand on her chest, just focusing on her breathing.

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