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Possible trigger warning -- fighting


The little girl got left alone in the dark. She looked at where they were standing, just a second ago. What should she do?

She looked around in the room, feeling pressure around her lungs, making it harder to breathe. Her body started to shake. She didn't know whether she could do this or not. She was scared.

Minutes went by with her not moving. She focused on her hands, trying to calm herself down. She remembered all her panic attacks. All the time she thought she couldn't breathe. All the time she thought she was about to die. But this time she had to fight it. She couldn't sit here much longer or this time she would actually die.

She took one last, deep breath and stood up. She had to find the intruder. The person who shouldn't be here. She walked to the hallway, ignoring the pictures on the wall. She didn't have time to think back on all the bad stuff. Not right now.

She walked out the hallway and saw an empty chair. She turned around and found herself standing in front of a big mirror. The [y/h/c] was tangled together. Her knees were bruised up. Her dress was ripped. She looked at her neck and saw a silver necklace. Tears started to fill her eyes once again. This necklace was the one thing she had left from her mother. Her father sold everything else. He would have sold the necklace too if she hadn't hidden it. She looked at her face again, seeing herself. No longer as a child, but her normal age. She was still wearing the ripped dress and no shoes. Her hair was still tangled up, and her knees still bruised. But now she had an advantage. She was no longer a scared little kid. She was an adult, and she was ready for her revenge.

"Would you look at that." A voice from behind took her focus. She turned around and saw herself. She smiled. "I didn't think you had it in you." She looked exactly like her, but there was something with the eyes. The color wasn't the same. In fact. they looked red from here.

"Astra." She walked closer to her. Looked her up and down. She was wearing what she would normally wear at a mission. A black leather jacket over a black shirt with dark jeans and boots. Astra didn't move. She waited for [y/n] to do something.

"You don't have a chance against me. You know that, right?" Astra smiled. She didn't took her eyes of [y/n], but that was all she did.

"What are you doing in my head?" She wanted to know. Astra looked her up and down, slipping out a short, dark laugh.

"I like it in here." She said and looked around. "It is dark. All your memories, I mean. Losing your mother. Getting tortured by your father. Losing your sister. Becoming an agent. Running away from them, only to become a drug addict with inappropriate relationships with older men. I don't know why you didn't get into jail." Astra smiled smugly to her. "You weren't even the best agent. And when S.H.I.E.L.D.S fall? You still got a job with Alexander Pierce. I wonder why. Maybe you worked with Hydra all along, and they needed someone to blame if anything went wrong? I know you have had that thought." She knew every thought she has ever had. She knew everything about her. How could she win?

"You know a lot about me." She walked closer to Astra, who still didn't move. "While I know nothing about you. I don't even know what you look like. Where you are from." She was trying to stall her. Trying to get close enough to beat her.

"Well, since you won't be here much longer, I might as well tell you a little bit about me." Astra smiled and didn't show any emotions. It was weird seeing herself, like a mirror, but the mind inside was nothing like her.

"Tell me. Where will you go once, I am gone?" [Y/n] tried to sound confident. She didn't want Astra to know how nervous she was. She wondered whether she would stay in her body or leave. She hoped she would stay. If she lost and she didn't leave her body, the rest of the team could finish her off.

"I will go back to my family, little one." She answered. She knew this was her chance. She was talking. Now she needed to get her to keep talk.

"And who is your family?" She asked. Talking another step towards her. "Where are you from?" She tried to figure her out. It didn't sound like she was used to be on Earth.

"I am from a planet far away. You might have heard about it? Titan." She examined [y/n] from the distance. Trying to see her reaction. She hadn't heard of Titan. She had never left Earth before.

"Never heard of it." She shrugged. She took another step towards her, trying to look calm. She didn't want her to figure out her moves before she was doing them.

"Maybe you have heard about my father?" She asked and crossed her hands. She hadn't moved a bit. She was just standing there. Waiting for [y/n] to come to her. "Thanos?" She looked at [y/n], thinking she would have heard about him.

"Doesn't ring a bell," she answered and took another step. Astra started to look annoyed. Impatient.

"You will hear about him soon enough." She said and started walked towards [y/n]. This was her change. It was now or never. When Astra was close enough, she grabbed her by the arms and start kicking with her knee, in her stomach. She took Astra by surprise. She wasn't ready. But it didn't take her long before she had pulled herself together and got out of her arms.

"Great job, but not good enough." She smiled and [y/n] had to think fast. She looked around in the dark room and saw something behind Astra. A pile of big stones was laying, not far away. She smiled as Astra took in her punch. She dodged her hit and ran around her. She got to the stones before Astra realized what just happened. She picked up the biggest one she could find and faced Astra.

"This is my mind!" She said. Astra started to look worried. "And you are not welcome in here anymore." She raised the stone over her head and threw it at Astra. She ducked down but didn't evade the stone. It hit her in the face, leaving her bloody and hurt.

"Last chance to get out of here voluntarily." [Y/n] took a step closer to Astra, who was laying on the ground.

"This isn't the last you've seen of me." Astra took one last look at her before she vanished. As soon as she was gone, she felt like a giant wall fell down around her chest. She could breathe again. She felt like herself. She knew Astra was gone for good and not just hiding. She looked around the dark room one last time before a bright, white light embraced her. The darkness disappeared and she found herself sitting on a chair. Tied up.

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