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Trigger warning - torture

"Hello honey," she couldn't believe what was happening. Her mother was standing in front of her. Alive.

"What is going on?" She asked. She started to get scared. Why would her mother tie her up to a chair? Allowing another man to torture her? "Are you apart of Hydra?" She asked confused. Her mother smiled.

"Yes [y/n], I am." Her mother sat down on the chair in front of her, crossing her legs like this was a casual conversation.

"Why are you doing this?" she looked at her mother. She looked like she remembered but the kindness in her eyes from back then was gone. She might look the same, but this wasn't the mother she remembered.

"I apologize for Wagner's behavior. He was only supposed to get the Avenger's attention. I should have been clearer. He wasn't supposed to hurt you." Her mother looked at her neck and collarbone. On the big red marks.

"Why?" [y/n] asked. "Why did you leave us?" She felt let down by her own mother. She needed answers.

"Well, I had to. No one could know that I was alive. It was the perfect cover." She smiled while looking proud. [Y/n] felt nauseous looking at her.

"Did you know what he did?" She asked, tilting her head a bit, trying to keep her eyes on her mother. "When you faked your own death, do you know what our father did?" She tried to hold back her tears. She was angry and hurt at the same time. She felt betrayed, but deep down, she wished her mother didn't know what her father did to them. That she thought everything was good. Just like she did with Sia. Her mother looked away before answering.

"Yes, I did." She said with a low voice. [Y/n] couldn't hold back her tears anymore. She bit her lip trying not to scream at the woman in front of her. She was glad that she was tied up or else she would have attacked her on the spot.

"You did?" She hissed, her voice filled with disgust. "You knew that he was abusing us? Did you know that he killed Sia too?" That got her mother's attention. She looked up with blank eyes.

"What?" She whispered. [Y/n] couldn't help it. She laughed at her reaction.

"You didn't'?" She was glad that she didn't know. Then she could hurt her. Just a little.

"When?" Her mother's voice was barely a whisper. [Y/n] shook her head.

"He strangled her when she was twelve. Buried her in the back garden. I guess you have been sitting out there. Sitting on top of her dead body without even knowing." [Y/n] smirked. She caught her mother of guard.

"You are lying!" Her mother yelled. "I saw Sia when she was a teenager." Her mother got up from the chair and walked towards [y/n]. She could see her eyes lightning with anger.

"You never knew your daughter so you couldn't see that she was a fraud. That wasn't Sia. It was just the girl dad got after he killed her. He made her pretend to be Sia, so no one knew what kind of man he was." Her mother stroke back her hand and hit her with full force. [Y/n] spat blood on the floor. Her tears were long gone. She was angry. She wanted to hurt her mother like she did her.

"One thing I couldn't figure out was why you kept asking about me. You clearly didn't miss me much." Her mother turned around and walked back to the chair, sat down.

"You haven't figured it out yet?" She asked with a smirk. She crossed her legs again, just looking at her, while [y/n] thought. Then it hit her.

"I am your mission?" She asked and looked around the room.

"When I was told that you became a part of S.H.I.E.L.D I knew you were a threat to us. Someone had to do something about it. I volunteered as I didn't want no one else to touch my daughter."

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