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She walked into the meeting room where she was supposed to meet Tony for a briefing before talking to Loki. She walked inside and saw Thor sitting in one of the chairs. She hadn't really talked much to him since he came down.

"[Y/n], sit down." He said with a smile, telling her to sit on the chair next to him. "So, you have to talk to my brother?" He was still smiling, and she wondered why. His brother killed a lot of people.

"Yes, so I've been told." She tried smiling back to him, but all she could think about was the upcoming meeting. She hoped it would only be her, Tony, and Thor. She hadn't talked to Steve since she left him sitting alone in the gym, but she couldn't get his face out of her head.

"You have to know. He is quite manipulative. Don't trust a thing you see." Thor said moving closer towards her. She knew that he could make people see what he wanted them to see, but she didn't think he could do it when he was locked up. She didn't answer, just nodded as Tony walked into the room.

"[Y/n], Thor." He said as he sat down. "Look I have some bad news. You can't interrogate Loki today. We have been called to the city for a meeting and I don't want you talking to him when no ones here." He said and sounded like this bored him.

"What meeting?" She asked, wondering why she haven't heard anything about that.

"Pierce wants to talk to us. Probably ask how things are going. Haven't you heard about that?" He asked, looking confused. She quickly nodded.

"Ahh that meeting. Sure, I knew about that." She lied, didn't wanted to look stupid, but still thought why Pierce would call in for a meeting in the city without telling her.

"We are leaving in five. I don't know how long it will take. He requested the whole team. Rogers are gathering the rest of the team as we speak." Her heart skipped a beat when he said his name.

"Okay. I will make sure nothing happens here." She said and stood up. Tony nodded and him and Thor left the room. She took out her phone seeing a voicemail from Pierce. Probably just him trying to inform her about the meeting. She looked around, making sure she was alone before she pressed play.

"[Y/n] I am calling the team in for a meeting, giving you time to talk to Loki without any interruptions. I expect result later tonight." Was all he said. She looked at her phone when the message ended. Talk to Loki alone? She started getting nervous. Tony had said that he didn't wanted her to talk to him alone. She knew he could be manipulative.

She walked out the room and walked straight into Steve.

"Sorry." She said before realizing who it was. As soon as she saw his face her heart start racing.

"That's okay," his voice was low and wasn't with the same passion as earlier. "I was just coming to tell you that we leave now." His face showed no sign of emotions and it hurt her. She nodded, was scared that her voice would crack if she tried talking to him now. He started raising his hand but quickly put it down again. She wished he would put his arms around her, holding her tight, letting her bury her face in his chest. But that wasn't the case.

"See you later." Was all he said before turning around, walking outside to the rest of the team. She waited a while before moving. She had to make sure she was alone, so she walked into every room before moving towards the cell Loki was in. All she could think about for now was Loki and their upcoming meeting. She could worry about Steve later.

She walked into an empty room only showing a big glass wall where she could see him on the other side. He was tall with dark hair. Quite handsome too. He was wearing green and had a smile on his face. He was standing right in front of her, on the other side of the glass.

"I've been waiting for someone to come visit me, but I was hoping for my brother. No offense." He said with a calm voice. He sounded charming.

"Non taking," she answered and couldn't help but return his smile. "My name is agent [y/n] [y/l/n]. I've been assigned to find out more about what happened in New York." She putted on her work face, trying not to show any emotion, telling him she was in charge.

"And let me guess. The rest of the team are on the outside, listening to every word I say, ready to burst in and save you at any moment?" He was still smiling, looking past her, at the door.

"Yes." She said, knowing he had to think she wasn't alone.

"LIAR!" He yelled and looked directly at her. "I don't like being lied to. If you want me to talk to you have to tell the truth." She didn't know how he would know that, but she figured he was right. He wasn't going to talk to her if she kept lying.

"You are right," she said crossing her hands in front of her. "I am alone. The team are in the city. Its just you and me." She said and he smiled once again.

"Good." He said with a smirk. "Well, that wasn't so hard was it? If you just keep telling me the truth I will to. So, [y/n], tell me about yourself." He looked calm. He wanted to know she didn't decide anything in this conversation. She thought about it. Maybe if she told him something about her, he would give some in return.

"I already told you my name. I am from [y/h/t], born and raised before becoming an agent." She kept looking at him, trying not to show how uncomfortable she was talking to him.

"And how did you become an agent miss? You have to tell your story if you want anything from me." He smiled. "You can make yourself comfortable, maybe come in? Sit down, having a bite to eat?" He looked around at his room. Did he just ask her to come inside the cell?

"I am fine right here, thank you very much." She said sarcastic. "I got caught stealing and I made a deal so they wouldn't call the police. If I joined the agency, I would get away with it." She didn't say anything about her sister. She didn't want him knowing too much about her.

"Aha, I see." He said while walking around in his cell. "I feel like you are keeping something from me, but I will accept your story, for now. I am sure I will get to know you really well in a minute." He smiled before he vanished. She looked in the cell, confused. Where was he? Soon after, the glass disappeared, and she found herself in a room with a bed and a table. She turned around, finding it harder to breathe. She started getting scared. She looked for the door, but instead of a normal door, she now saw a giant metal door.

"Thanks for coming to see me." Was the last thing she heard before an unbearable pain went through her head, and everything turned dark.

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