25. Steve's POV

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He ran back outside but there was no sign of [y/n] anywhere. She was gone like the wind. He could hear Tony on the phone, so he took it up to his ear.

"Steve, what is happening?" Tony asked while he was moving.

"They took her," was all Steve could say.

"Pierce's men?" He could hear other voices in the background.

"I don't think so. Pierce wouldn't take her like that. He would want an arrest." Steve walked to his car.

"Hydra then?" Tony asked and Steve could hear a gasp in the background. "I'm putting you on speaker."

"Steve, why would Hydra take [y/n]?" Nat asked. He couldn't concentrate on answering so Tony did instead.

"Her mother is working for Hydra." He said to her.

"I though her mother was dead?" Wanda was confused, Steve could hear that in her voice. Tony hadn't filled them in.

"No, she just faked her own death." Tony answered.

"Does that mean she's in danger?" Clint asked.

"No, dipshit, that means she is having a nice family reunion and eating cupcakes." Tony was being sarcastic. "What do you think? Of course, she is in danger when she gets kidnapped from a motel room the minute Steve leaves the room."

"But why would her mother put her in danger?" Clint asked again. Steve imagined Tony hitting his head into the wall right now.

"Why would she fake her own death all these years ago? Why didn't she come save [y/n] and Sia from their father? Why did she do anything?"

"This isn't the time for all these questions," Steve finally said something. "We have to find her. She told me that her mother had been asking about her and that she had a mission. Maybe [y/n] is her mission? We might not have long." Steve couldn't believe what he said but he knew it was the truth. If her mother's mission were [y/n] then it wouldn't end out good.

"They will probably bring her to one of their bases," Tony said, "Friday, search for any sign of Hydra near Philly."

"Sure Mr. Stark," Friday answered.

"Everyone else, suit up. Wheels up in 5 minutes. Steve we are coming to get you." Tony said and Steve could hear everyone was on the move. He didn't hang up the phone nor did Tony.

"Mr. Stark, I found some weird activity near Appalachian Mountains. Could be our guys." Steve could hear Friday clearly. Tony hadn't got off speaker phone.

"Wasn't Appalachian Mountains the location of the Hydra Preparatory Academy?" Steve asked.

"That's correct Captain," Friday answered.

"It hasn't been used for a long time, so Hydra might think of it as a good place to hide hostages?" Tony said, wearing his Iron-Man suit.

"Might be." Steve answered. "How long before you can pick me up?"

"About two hours. We'll be as quick as possible." Tony said. Steve thanked him and gave him his exact location. The parking lot was big and empty and could be used as a good place to land the plane.

"Hang tight buddy. We'll get her back." Tony said before hanging up the phone.


The plane landed on the parking lot and Steve walked inside. Tony, Clint, Nat, Wanda, and Vision were all on the plane. Steve knew Sam was out looking for Bucky and Rhodey must be out on some War Machine mission.

"Let's go," Steve said to Nat and sat down. She got the plane in the air before anyone said anything.

"Care to fill us in?" Nat asked and looked back on Steve.

"How much have Tony told you?" He asked and looked around.

"Not much," Tony said, "it's not my story to tell." Steve nodded. He couldn't tell whether he should feel thankful for not sharing [y/n]'s story or annoyed that the team wasn't filled in.

"We found out that her father is dead." Steve said and by the look on Wanda's face he could tell that she was relieved. "That was about the only good thing we found out." Steve looked down, thinking back on all they were told about Sia.

"What else?" Nat pushed on.

"Her sister didn't get into safety. She never left the house and was stuck with her father. She died at age 12. Her father killed her and buried her in the back garden." Wanda covered her mouth with her hand and Vision placed an arm around her. "Then he got the most brilliant idea. He thought: how about I just get another kid and tell everyone that she is Sia?" Steve said the last in a sarcastic voice.

"He did what?" Nat asked and her voice was filled with disgust.

"The new kid didn't know what he did, and she told he never touched her. She found out after his death. Her mother, who is well and alive, come by a couple of time, telling she had a mission to complete before she could return home. While she told that she asked about [y/n]. That's why I think her mission might have something to do with her." Steve looked up and out the window. He saw mountains beneath them. He wished, begged, that they would find her. That she would be alive. And then he promised himself never to leave her. To be with her forever.


Author's note:
First of all! Thank you so much for the nearly 1,6k reads! You guys are amazing! I am so happy to see people actually reading my story!
So two new chapters. I know they are a bit short, but I hope you enjoyed them even though.
Only four more chapters left of this story :( I am a little sad, but I enjoyed writing the last chapter so much! I actually nearly cried, so I can't wait to share it to you! 
Please tell me what you think by either leaving a comment or hit the vote button! It would mean so much for me <3

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