17. Steve's POV

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"What is going on?" Wanda looked at Steve, knowing he would know more about this whole situation. But he wasn't the one to answer, Nat was.

"[Y/n] had to leave." Steve didn't want the whole team to know everything about her, but he knew that he had no choice. The team needed to know if he wanted them to protect her. So he nodded at Nat, and she continued. "She told me that she needed to go find her sister and that Pierce wouldn't be happy about it. She said something about him owning her." Nat looked over at Steve. That was all she knew. Wanda was still looking confused, so Steve continued.

"When [y/n] was young her mother died, leaving her and her sister alone with their father. He couldn't take care of them, so [y/n] had to make sure that they could get something to eat. A S.H.I.E.L.D agent saw her stealing some food and he made a deal with her. She became an agent, and he wouldn't turn her in. Her sister would be put in a save house, but she could never contact her again. Since then, the agency had owned her. And now Pierce does too." Steve didn't want to go into further details. He hoped it would be enough for the rest of the team to help her. Wanda sat down.

"Her father was a bad man?" Wanda asked, looking at Steve. He nodded. He knew that because of the memories he had seen. He knew he had been abusing her. "I never thought her own father could do something like that." Wanda wasn't talking to the team. Steve was confused. What did Wanda know? Had she confided in her? He didn't know whether her and Wanda was close or not, but he didn't ask. He would wait till they were alone.

"She took your bike?" Clint finally asked. He looked directly at Nat.

"Well. She didn't take it as much as I gave it to her." She answered with a smirk. Nat helped her escape.

"Why would you do that?" Clint was curios. He knew, as much as everyone else, that Nat didn't like [y/n].

"She needed to go find her family. Family means all." Steve knew she wasn't talking about her real family. She was talking about this one. We would do anything for each other. And now [y/n] was a part of the family too. Nat knew what she meant to Steve, and that was the main reason that she helped her.

"What do we do know?" Sam asked, looking around. Steve didn't know what to do. He didn't know where she was. Where she was going.

"We give her as much time as we can." Tony said with his eyes locked on Steve. "And maybe we can dig out her sister. Anyone knows her name?"

"Sia." Steve said. Pierce had just told him that. Tony nodded.

"Friday. Dig up all you've got on Sia [y/l/n]." He told the computer next to him.

"Yes sir." The computer answered, with a female voice. Steve was still getting used to her voice. He was used to it being Jarvis who did all this, but since Ultron, Jarvis was now the voice of Vision. He thought back about Sokovia. He was still mad that Tony and Banner had build Ultron, but deep down he knew that they thought they did the right thing. Unfortunately, the right thing turned out to kill lots of people, included Pietro, Wanda's twin brother.

"Sir?" Friday pulled him out of his thoughts. He looked at the computer. "I couldn't find anything about Sia [y/n/l]." Steve walked closer, looking at the screen. That was impossible. Friday should be able to find something about Sia. Even if she were putted in a save house, there would still be hospital documents from her birth, name certificate, something. Tony looked at Steve as confused as him.

"What about [y/n] [y/l/n]?" He asked. The screen started to load.

"Nothing sir." Friday answered. There were no records on either Sia or [y/n]? But S.H.I.E.L.D made a file on her? There should be something.

"Does anyone know her mother or father's name?" Tony asked out into the room.

"She never told me." Steve replied sadly. She didn't tell him much. They didn't get the time to get to know each other. She got pulled away from him, so quickly. "What else can we do?" He asked, looking at Tony.

"Friday? Can you locate [y/n]?" He asked the computer. The screen pulled out a map trying to zone down on a specific place.

"No sir." She said. "But I did find Ms. Romanoff's bike just outside the city." She pulled down a security tape from a store, pointing on the parking lot. The film showed her bike and helmet standing alone.

"Can you rewind?" Steve asked the computer. The film began to move backwards. "Wait, stop." He said when he saw a woman next to the bike. [Y/n] took of the helmet and zipped down her jacket. She looked around, making sure she wasn't followed. Steve felt his heart begin to beat faster. Her hair was tangled due to the wind and helmet. She looked determined. Like she was on a mission. She walked away from the camera and disappeared. He didn't know where she went from there. She could be anywhere.

"How long ago since she was there?" Tony asked Friday.

"A little over an hour sir." Friday responded. If she didn't get a car, she couldn't get that far, but if she did, Steve thought, she could be anywhere.

"Thank you, Friday." Tony said and walked away from the computer. "We could suit up and go after her, but I don't think that would help her much. I am pretty sure that Pierce got some men to watch us." Steve nodded. It wouldn't help her if they leaded Pierce to her. He couldn't do anything else but wait for her to contact him. He just had to be patient. She knew what she was doing.

"I need some air." Steve began to walk out the room. No one stopped him. He heard Nat's voice when he was out the door.

"Let him go, he needs some time alone." He was thankful for her. She knew him so well.

He walked outside, trying to wrap his head around the fact that [y/n] was gone. He wished that he'd gone with her. That she gave him the opportunity to go with her. Or at least that he got the chance to say goodbye to her. He thought back on the kiss they had shared before she left. He couldn't get her out of his head. He couldn't believe that she would just leave like that. Maybe there was something that she didn't told him?

The phone in his pocket began to ring. He picked it up and looked at the screen. Unknown number. He accepted the call and felt like his breath was punched right out of his lungs.

"Steve?" She talked fast. "I need your help." 

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