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She didn't know how long she had been sitting there before the door opened. She didn't look up. She was just focusing on the wall.

"[Y/n]?" She could hear Steve walking closer to her, but she didn't move. He sat down next to her. She could feel his eyes on her. "You still can't remember anything?" He asked. His voice was calm, and she could her something in it. Guilt?

"No," was all she said. Her mouth was dry, and her voice sounded hoarse. She was still focusing on the wall. She didn't want to look at him. She felt betrayed. She didn't know what she did that was so bad, that they had to lock her in here.

"I am so sorry [y/n]." In the corner of her eye, she could see that he raised his hand, but quickly putted it down again.

"If you really were sorry, you wouldn't lock me up in here. You would tell me what had happened. Why you found the urge to keep me in here." She was beginning to get angry. She finally looked up at Steve. He looked sad but she didn't care about that right now.

"You are right." He said and looked down at the floor. "I didn't know how to tell you. Or if it even were you, I would be telling this to." She was confused.

"What do you mean? Why do you all keep saying that you weren't sure whether I am me or not?" She needed answers.

"Can you remember we were going to the city?" He asked and she nodded. That she remembered. "We came back pretty quickly. Clint had forgotten something. So, when we came back, I went looking for you. I felt like I had to apologize, but the only thing I found was your phone on the floor." She thought back. She must have dropped in when she walked into him before they left.

"The phone was inside a voicemail. And I heard Pierce tell you to talk to Loki alone. I knew immediately something was wrong. I ran to the cell and found you unconscious on the floor. Loki did something to you. I got you out and I really thought I had reached you in time, but I was wrong. Somehow, he had gotten another person into your mind. She had taken over your body. She hurt you." His voice cracked in the end. She looked at him. His eyes were shinning in the light and it took her a while to see that it was tears.

"I can't remember anything." She whispered. She felt bad. She had screwed up. If she hadn't talked to Loki alone, nothing like this had ever happened.

"I am a little relieved that you don't," he was still looking at the floor. "It was painful to her your screams and we couldn't do anything to save you. Thor, eventually, figured out how to get her out of you, but we weren't completely sure that it had work. That's why we locked you in here. We weren't sure whether it was you or she had taken over your body, and just pretended to be you." She felt her heart sink to her stomach. She felt bad and she blamed herself for being in here. She wished Steve would have told her this sooner, but she understood why they had to keep her in here. And after all the things she had seen, it didn't sound impossible for anything like this to happen.

"You could have told me sooner," her voice was barely a whisper. Steve looked at her, still with tears in his eyes. Before she thought about it, she raised her hand and placed it on his arm. He looked down on her hand.

"I wanted to," he said, "but I wasn't sure if it was you. And I didn't want her to have the satisfaction of me telling her all the things she already knew." [Y/n] moved closer to him, leaving nearly no space between them.

"How do you know I am me now?" She asked. He looked her in the eyes.

"I just do." He said. She looked into his blue eyes and found a little green in them. She bit her lip. She didn't know what to say. She could feel her heart beating faster. She couldn't control her actions. Before she knew it, she had pressed her lips towards his. She felt safe. He didn't move away, he just placed his hands on her hips, pulling her closer to her.

She knew, deep down, that she shouldn't be doing this, but right now, she didn't care. She just wanted to be close to him. She just wanted to feel save.

She pulled away from him, still looking into his eyes. The corner of his lip went up into a wry smile. He didn't move his hands from her. She returned his smile.

"Does this mean I can get out of here?" She asked, still floating away in his eyes.

"It does." He answered. She didn't want to let go of him, but she was dying to get out.

"Good, because I really need a shower." She smiled at him one last time before she got up. He followed her out the door.

"I'll go talk the rest of the team. You just take your time." He said, standing a little awkward. She didn't know whether to kiss him again or what to do. So, she just nodded and left.

When she got into her room, she sat down on the bed. Her thoughts kept going back to the kiss. She touched her lips, feeling like she could still feel him close to her. She couldn't help but smile.

She got of the bed and open the closet to find some new clothes when an unbearable pain went through her head. She placed her hands around her head while falling to her knees. Her sight turned black and pictures started to form. She saw herself as a kid. Her clothes were ripped, and her knees was bruised. She was crying and she looked scared. She heard a laugh in the distance. She started to shake, and then everything turned back to normal. She found herself laying on the floor in her bedroom. The pain was gone as fast as it came. She looked around the room. She was alone.

She got up from the floor, still shaking. She focused on trying to breathe and control her heartbeat.

What just happened?

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